New user with sw doubt

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by industrialdesigner77, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Hello everybody,
    I'm sorry to start with a doubt, but I have been trying in other sw
    forums but can't seem to manage to solve this modeling riddle:

    I have a profile, and a bunch of paths. The paths are all contained in
    the same sketch
    I want that profile to create different sweeps for every path in the
    sketch, but of course I can't select the path because there are
    multiple open lines in the sketch.

    pd. It is difficult to explain but it would be a bit like modeling a
    fingerprint, by having a triangle for the profile, and a hell of a lot
    of weird splines for the paths but all contained in a single sketch)

    Do you have any suggestion on how to go about with this?
    Thanks a lot
    industrialdesigner77, Jul 31, 2006
  2. industrialdesigner77

    matt Guest

    SW07 deals with this using the SelectionManager.

    In previous versions you can use "Smart Selections".

    If you go back far enough you may have to use composite curves or
    individual sketches with converted entities created from selected sketch
    matt, Jul 31, 2006
  3. Hi Matt,
    Thanks for the early response.
    I'm not sure I understand you completely , but the curves contained in
    the sketch are open curves, they dont meet each other, and that is why
    it does not allow me to select a single set of lines from the sketch.
    (my intention is to use these sets of lines as paths to create
    progressive sweeps, all from the same sketch, but selecting different
    path for each sweep)
    industrialdesigner77, Jul 31, 2006
  4. industrialdesigner77

    j Guest

    Without having a closed loop to use for the feature, it will only give
    you a thin type extrusion. You will have to get the loop closed in order
    to have any chance of making any other type of extrusion. As for picking
    them, this will have to probably be one at a time if they are not joined.
    j, Jul 31, 2006
  5. Cheers J,

    I am afraid maybe I did not explain correctly,
    I want to use those lines as paths for sweeping a shape.
    Precisely what you mention is the drawback of extruding them (as I
    would preffer to not go "thickening" all those lines in order to make
    an extrusion).
    industrialdesigner77, Jul 31, 2006
  6. industrialdesigner77

    j Guest

    Regardless of whether you want to create an extrusion or use the
    sketches for sweep features, the sketch feature must contain lines that
    are joined. A sweep will not jump an opening in the sweep path. Also the
    profile must go thru the end of one of the paths as well. You are more
    than likely going to need to create a new sketch for each of the paths
    that you want to use and use the base sketch geometry and convert those
    entities for each of the paths.
    j, Jul 31, 2006
  7. Ok, I will try separating all the paths in different sketches, as I
    said to POH in the other post (sorry I doubled them up), I was hoping
    to discover a magic trick to avoid that.
    I will do as you say.

    Thanks a lot for the help J,
    industrialdesigner77, Jul 31, 2006
  8. industrialdesigner77

    matt Guest

    I haven't seen what version you are using. That's important because some
    selection features are available for some versions and not others.
    Depending on what version you are using, you don't have to separate the

    2007 has the best tool for using a single sketch with multiple open loop
    sketches which can be used as individual sweep paths, the Selection

    With 2006, you can use the "Smart Selection" to select an open loop from
    a messy sketch to use as a sweep path. I don't remember how far back
    Smart Selection goes, but I don't think its earlier than 2005.
    matt, Jul 31, 2006
  9. Hi Matt,
    I finally got what you meant, I had to extrude all the paths as a
    surface to be able to activate this "smart selection" tool, but now it
    works, I can select bits of the sketch, thanks a lot!!, and sorry I
    didn't get it at first.
    industrialdesigner77, Aug 1, 2006
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