New ProE WF 2.0 user needs help

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Bluewater, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. Bluewater

    Bluewater Guest

    I am a new to ProE, and using WF 2.0. During exercise, book indicates
    to hit "resume feature (arrow)". I do not understand this nor knowing
    where to find this function. Is it an icon?

    Please let me know.

    Bluewater, Jan 8, 2006
  2. Bluewater

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Look for the thing that looks like ">" on the dash panel.
    It won't show unless the function has been Paused (button looks like "||")
    or you have interupted it by selecting an Asynchronous tool (create a datum or
    something like that).

    Look in Help ...

    Fundamentals / User Interface Basics / Working with Pro/Engineer Windows and
    Dialog Boxes / About the Dashboard


    / User Interface Basics / About Tool Pausing.
    Jeff Howard, Jan 9, 2006
  3. Bluewater

    Bluewater Guest

    Yes. I hit the Pause while creating datum plan. I got it now. Slowly
    but surely.
    Bluewater, Jan 10, 2006
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