net/node name aliases in spectre netlist

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Sugan, Aug 13, 2009.

  1. Sugan

    Sugan Guest

    Hi all,

    I am trying to add a alias for existinig nets and i couldn't find a
    way to do this( or the syntax). Can someone please let me know how i
    can do this?

    Can someone also please point me to ta good tutorial on spectre
    netlist format/syntax since i'm new to this.

    Sugan, Aug 13, 2009
  2. Sugan

    Riad KACED Guest

    Hi Sugan,

    One very easy way to do this is to insert a small resistor between the
    aliased, just something small enough to break the connectivity without
    breaking the functionality.
    If you are using DFII, then you may use the patchcord devices as
    detailed in the Virtuoso® Schematic Editor User Guide, doc available
    from cdsodc/cdnshelp and from your IC stream.
    Also, many PDK providers often include their device for aliasing. You
    may look at your PDK docs if any is supported.
    I don't know of anything in Spectre though. The Spectre doc is
    available from your MMSIM stream. Look at previous posts ... Just
    search Spectre Doc. OK, it is in $MMSIMHOME/doc/spectreuser/

    Riad KACED, Aug 13, 2009
  3. Riad KACED wrote, on 08/13/09 20:27:
    The usual way to do this in spectre is to use an "iprobe" (in effect a 0V source).

    This exists in analogLib too.

    If you want to do this through the hierarchy within ADE, look on sourcelink for
    a solution I wrote - search for "deepprobe"

    Andrew Beckett, Aug 16, 2009
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