MSI & MST Icon Removal

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Michael Fraser, Jul 30, 2004.

  1. et all;

    I'm attempting to create a network deployable install of AutoCAD 2004. I have both a MSI and MST to apply to it that handles all the work. I cannot seem, however, to get rid of the Start Menu programs folder or desktop icon (even though it's NOT seletected according to the MST).

    I've attempted to delete the icons using InstallShield's MSI Tuner, and Masai Editor, however if I delete the shortcuts this produces an invalid msi/mst that just throws an error code at the start.

    Any ideas on how to get rid of these pesky icons?
    Michael Fraser, Jul 30, 2004
  2. I solved it with a vbs that deletes them after the installation. But the
    problem is that if another user logs in they are recreated so this has to be
    handled as well.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

    have both a MSI and MST to apply to it that handles all the work. I cannot
    seem, however, to get rid of the Start Menu programs folder or desktop icon
    (even though it's NOT seletected according to the MST).
    Masai Editor, however if I delete the shortcuts this produces an invalid
    msi/mst that just throws an error code at the start.
    Jimmy Bergmark, Jul 30, 2004
  3. Yeah, luckily Novell supports running post termination scripts, it's just a hassle that they can't be disabled. My end-gripe is more or less the opposite of yours. The icons are only re-installed once the local install get's corrupted, but in order to get rid of the icons I have to create either a 3-chained program launch (install, then a template to remove the icons, then launch the program) or just have a quick dos box that just basically flashes tied to the install/launch app that unfortunately wants to delete the icons every time, even though it only needs to do it when the install is ran.

    Feature Request Autodesk? ;)

    Junior Network Systems Programmer
    Indiana University Purdue University at Fort Wayne
    I solved it with a vbs that deletes them after the installation. But the
    problem is that if another user logs in they are recreated so this has to be
    handled as well.

    Best Regards, Jimmy Bergmark
    CAD and Database Developer Manager at
    Take a look at
    JTB FlexReport (FLEXlm report tool) -
    SmartPurger (Purges automatically) -
    or download some freeware at
    More on AutoCAD 2005;

    have both a MSI and MST to apply to it that handles all the work. I cannot
    seem, however, to get rid of the Start Menu programs folder or desktop icon
    (even though it's NOT seletected according to the MST).
    Masai Editor, however if I delete the shortcuts this produces an invalid
    msi/mst that just throws an error code at the start.
    Michael Fraser, Jul 30, 2004
  4. Hi Michael,

    Unfortunately this is a wish list we won't be able to grant. We have looked
    at it for a while now and it has to do with how we advertise the product.
    So we need it this way for part of MS LOGO.

    I just wanted to let you know that we have looked at this and in the future
    if we can make it work we will most likely add it to the product. But for
    now it can not change.

    Hope this helps and thanks for the feedback.

    Bud Schroeder
    AutoCAD Test Development
    Autodesk Inc.

    a hassle that they can't be disabled. My end-gripe is more or less the
    opposite of yours. The icons are only re-installed once the local install
    get's corrupted, but in order to get rid of the icons I have to create
    either a 3-chained program launch (install, then a template to remove the
    icons, then launch the program) or just have a quick dos box that just
    basically flashes tied to the install/launch app that unfortunately wants to
    delete the icons every time, even though it only needs to do it when the
    install is ran.
    Bud Schroeder [Autodesk Inc.], Jul 31, 2004
  5. Bud,

    Thank you for the response :) Adobe and some other software perform the same way, so this doesn't really suprise me. If the requirements of the MS LOGO program ever change though, don't hesitate please =)

    Junior Network Systems Programmer
    Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne
    Hi Michael,

    Unfortunately this is a wish list we won't be able to grant. We have looked
    at it for a while now and it has to do with how we advertise the product.
    So we need it this way for part of MS LOGO.

    I just wanted to let you know that we have looked at this and in the future
    if we can make it work we will most likely add it to the product. But for
    now it can not change.

    Hope this helps and thanks for the feedback.

    Bud Schroeder
    AutoCAD Test Development
    Autodesk Inc.

    a hassle that they can't be disabled. My end-gripe is more or less the
    opposite of yours. The icons are only re-installed once the local install
    get's corrupted, but in order to get rid of the icons I have to create
    either a 3-chained program launch (install, then a template to remove the
    icons, then launch the program) or just have a quick dos box that just
    basically flashes tied to the install/launch app that unfortunately wants to
    delete the icons every time, even though it only needs to do it when the
    install is ran.
    Michael Fraser, Aug 2, 2004
  6. Hi Michael,

    You got it ;-)... It is a wishlist item that we do track on the Team that
    writes the NIW.



    same way, so this doesn't really suprise me. If the requirements of the MS
    LOGO program ever change though, don't hesitate please =)
    Bud Schroeder [Autodesk Inc.], Aug 4, 2004
  7. Hi Thomas,

    I did pass this on as a wish list item to the NIW Team.

    Hope this helps.

    Bud Schroeder [Autodesk Inc.], Aug 4, 2004
  8. Thank you!! =)
    Hi Michael,

    You got it ;-)... It is a wishlist item that we do track on the Team that
    writes the NIW.



    same way, so this doesn't really suprise me. If the requirements of the MS
    LOGO program ever change though, don't hesitate please =)
    Michael Fraser, Aug 4, 2004
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