Modelling an oscillator using Verilog AMS

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by desai.vandana, Jan 4, 2006.

  1. Hello people,

    I need some help. I am modelling an oscillator using verilog AMS.
    The model comprises three blocks - mixer, amplifier and phase-shifter.
    These modules are written at the behavioral level and instantiated in
    the oscillator module.
    An oscillator has feedback in it.
    When I give a sine wave input to the model, it should be amplified and
    then part of the output is fed back to the input using a mixer. So the
    output is expected to be an increasing sine wave , growing in amplitude
    in each cycle.
    On the contrary the output is observed to be a constant amplitude
    sinewave over all cycles.

    Is it possible that all blocks try to compute their outputs at the same
    In such a scenario, the feedback system cannot function correctly.

    Please help me debug this issue.
    The code and testbench are as shown below


    // Middle level high level oscillator model without any Noise //

    `include "disciplines.vams"
    `include "constants.vams"
    `timescale 1ps / 1ps

    module oscillator(out,in);
    output out;
    voltage out;
    input in;
    voltage in;
    voltage vx,vref;
    parameter real amplifier_gain = 15 from (-inf : inf);
    parameter real test_frequency = 100k from (0 : inf);
    mixer m1 (vref,in,vx);
    amplifier #(.gain(amplifier_gain)) a1 (out,vref);
    phase_shift #(.freq(test_frequency) , .gain1(amplifier_gain)) ps (vx,

    module amplifier(out,in);
    input in;
    output out;
    voltage in, out;
    parameter real gain = 15 from (-inf : inf);
    analog begin
    V(out) <+ (gain * V(in));

    module phase_shift(out,in);
    input in;
    output out;
    voltage in, out;
    parameter real freq = 10k from (0 : inf);
    parameter real resonant_freq = 60M;
    parameter real beta = 0.1; //beta is a function of the circuit
    components of the module and also the resonant frequency.
    parameter real toff = 1.6n ;
    parameter real damp = 10M;
    parameter real gain1 = -6 from (-inf : inf);
    parameter real sampler = 1/resonant_freq;
    real flag,flag1;
    real phase = `M_PI;
    analog begin
    @(initial_step) begin
    flag1 = 0;
    flag1 = 1;
    @(timer(toff,sampler)) begin
    flag = V(in);

    V(out) <+ flag1*beta*V(in);


    module mixer(out,in1,in2);
    input in1,in2;
    output out;
    voltage in1,in2,out;
    real trial1,trial2, trial3;
    analog begin

    V(out) <+ (V(in1)+ V(in2));


    `include "constants.vams"
    `include "disciplines.vams"
    `timescale 10ps / 1ps
    module mid_wo_noise();
    wire out;
    voltage in;
    electrical gnd;
    ground gnd;
    real value;
    vsource #(.type("sine"), .ampl(3m), .phase(0), .freq(60M)) v1 (in,gnd);
    oscillator #(.test_frequency(60M) , .amplifier_gain(15)) osc1(out,in);
    desai.vandana, Jan 4, 2006
  2. This has been covered quite well at

    where the same question was asked.

    Andrew Beckett, Jan 12, 2006
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