Mledit lisp

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Erik Deyo, Jul 13, 2004.

  1. Erik Deyo

    Erik Deyo Guest

    I was wondering if someone has a lisp that would let me select multiple
    mlines to be trimmed by one mline could someone help me?

    Thanks in advance,

    Erik Deyo, Jul 13, 2004
  2. Erik Deyo

    David Kozina Guest

    Be more specific.
    Trimmed how? Open Tee? Closed Tee? Open Cross? Closed Cross?
    Is it always the same sort of editing procedure/sequence? How?

    I've found that just abbreviating the -mledit command line options are
    sufficient for most things...

    ; Run command with options
    ; Ugly command function
    (defun djkDoCommand
    (Name_str ; Command Name String - caller to provide "_."
    PauseOrAutoEnter_value ; PAUSE or "" - Let user finish or Autoterminate
    Input_lst ; Preset command option list - may be nil
    ; begin
    ; start command
    (command Name_str)
    ; ...Option list provided?
    (if Input_lst
    ; then
    ; ...process command options
    (foreach CommandOption Input_lst;
    ; begin loop
    (command CommandOption)
    ; end loop
    );_end foreach
    ; else
    );_end if
    ; did caller use a "." command prefix?
    ; - now remove it for cmdnames usage below
    (setq Name_str
    );_end setq
    ; did caller use a "_" command prefix?
    ; - now remove it for cmdnames usage below
    (setq Name_str
    );_end setq
    ; command still active? - it needs to finish
    (getvar "CMDNAMES")
    (strcat "*" Name_str "*")
    ; begin loop
    (command PauseOrAutoEnter_value)
    ; end loop
    );_end while
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Run MLEdit Command with Option
    ; (Used in MLEDIT Wrapper functions below)
    (defun djkRunMLEditOption
    (CommandOptionInput_str ; Command Option used for MLEDIT function
    ; begin
    (list CommandOptionInput_str)
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Add Vertex
    (defun C:MAV ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "AV")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Cut All
    (defun C:MCA ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "CA")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Closed Cross
    (defun C:MCC ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "CC")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Corner Joint
    (defun C:MCJ ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "CJ")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Cut Single
    (defun C:MCS ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "CS")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Closed Tee
    (defun C:MCT ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "CT")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Delete Vertex
    (defun C:MDV ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "DV")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Merged Cross
    (defun C:MMC ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "MC")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Merged Tee
    (defun C:MMT ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "MT")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Open Cross
    (defun C:MOC ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "OC")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Open Tee
    (defun C:MOT ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "OT")
    ; end
    );_end defun

    ; Abbreviate MLEDIT Weld All
    (defun C:MWA ()
    ; begin
    (djkRunMLEditOption "WA")
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Jul 13, 2004
  3. Erik Deyo

    Erik Deyo Guest

    I'm looking for a closed cross appication, I have many intersecting mlines
    and I would like to trim all the horizontal ones around the vertical.
    Erik Deyo, Jul 13, 2004
  4. Erik Deyo

    David Kozina Guest

    Typing while thinking out loud and *quite* untested...
    Hope it's at least within the ballpark...
    Use/Modify at your own risk... ;)

    David Kozina

    (defun C:MLCCTRIM
    ( ;
    VertML_ent ; Vertical MLine entity
    HorizML_ss ; Selection set of Horizontal MLines
    ; begin
    ; select the vertical mline entity
    (setq VertML_ent
    (car (entsel "\nPick the Vertical MLine..."))
    );_end setq
    ; select the horizontal mlines
    (princ "/nSelect the Horizontal MLines to trim...")
    (setq HorizML_ss
    (ssget '((0 . "MLINE")))
    );_end setq
    (not (zerop (setq i (sslength HorizML_ss))))
    ; then go for it
    (while (<= 0 i)
    ; begin loop
    ; I can't remember which pick should come first,
    ; switch the semicolon on the next two lines if need be...
    ; (command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" (ssname HorizML_ss i) VertML_ent)
    (command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" VertML_ent (ssname HorizML_ss i))
    (setq i (1- i))
    ; end loop
    );_end while
    ; else bad user input
    );_end if
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Jul 13, 2004
  5. Erik Deyo

    David Kozina Guest

    The last routine probably has some bad indexing problems (at least!)
    So, how about... (I still have my doubts, but it may be closer):

    (defun C:MLCCTRIM
    ( ;
    VertML_ent ; Vertical MLine entity
    HorizML_ss ; Selection set of Horizontal MLines
    ; begin
    ; select the vertical mline entity
    (setq VertML_ent
    (car (entsel "\nPick the Vertical MLine..."))
    );_end setq
    ; select the horizontal mlines
    (princ "/nSelect the Horizontal MLines to trim...")
    (setq HorizML_ss
    (ssget '((0 . "MLINE")))
    );_end setq
    (not (zerop (setq i (sslength HorizML_ss))))
    ; then go for it
    (while (< 0 i)
    ; begin loop
    (setq i (1- i))
    ; I can't remember which pick should come first,
    ; switch the semicolon on the next two lines if need be...
    ; (command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" (ssname HorizML_ss i) VertML_ent)
    (command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" VertML_ent (ssname HorizML_ss i))
    ; end loop
    );_end while
    ; else bad user input
    );_end if
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Jul 13, 2004
  6. Erik Deyo

    David Kozina Guest

    Well, that last one didn't work either - so how 'bout...:

    (defun C:MLCCTRIM
    ( ;
    i ; index counter
    HorizML_ss ; Selection set of Horizontal MLines
    VertML_ent ; Vertical MLine entity
    ; begin
    ; select the vertical mline entity
    (setq VertML_ent
    (car (entsel "\nPick the Vertical MLine..."))
    );_end setq
    ; select the horizontal mlines
    (princ "\nSelect the Horizontal MLines to trim...")
    (setq HorizML_ss
    (ssget '((0 . "MLINE")))
    );_end setq
    (not (zerop (setq i (sslength HorizML_ss))))
    ; then go for it
    (while (< 0 i)
    ; begin loop
    (setq i (1- i))
    ; I can't remember which pick should come first,
    ; switch the semicolon on the next two lines if need be...
    (command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" (ssname HorizML_ss i) VertML_ent "")
    ;(command "_.-MLEDIT" "CC" VertML_ent (ssname HorizML_ss i) "")
    ; end loop
    );_end while
    ; else bad user input
    );_end if
    ; end
    );_end defun
    David Kozina, Jul 13, 2004
  7. Erik Deyo

    Erik Deyo Guest

    It worked thank you so much. that will save me about 20 minutes per drawing.
    thank you again
    Erik Deyo, Jul 14, 2004
  8. Erik Deyo

    David Kozina Guest

    Hey Erik,

    *I'm* just happy to see someone using mlines! ;)

    Note that the code I posted could probably benefit from some major
    optimizing, but I'm glad it helps you...

    A couple of more thoughts on how you might improve on it:

    Allow the user to input/choose the mledit option (at least those that
    require picks of two mlines): "CC" "OC" "CT" "OT", etc., then incorporate
    that option variable into the (command... statement, and then just call the
    routine MLTRIM.

    Perhaps rebuild the while loop to first create a (long) list of alternating
    ((ssname HorizML_ss i) VertML_ent (ssname HorizML_ss (i-1)) VertML_ent
    (ssname HorizML_ss (i-2)) VertML_ent)...) ... Then process the command
    using this list for input (as in the djkDoCommand function I first posted in
    response to this thread) - That way the (command... only needs to run once,
    rather than restarting time after time...

    Best regards,
    David Kozina
    David Kozina, Jul 14, 2004
  9. Erik Deyo


    Aug 28, 2014
    Likes Received:
    MLEDIT for open intersec

    my case is with open cross and open T for many multiline intersections.
    The command -mledit of your code above is very good but is there any way for many intersects?

    Do you have any suggestion?
    Tks in advance.
    trunglupin, Aug 28, 2014
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