looking for good SW book or internet tutorials

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Jaro735, Oct 22, 2003.

  1. Jaro735

    Jaro735 Guest


    I have little experience with SW and would like to learn how to use most
    of its functions. Is there some kind of tutorial that is available on the
    internet for beginners, or can anyone recommend a really good SW book
    for advanced surface designing).

    Thanks in advance
    Jaro735, Oct 22, 2003
  2. Jaro735

    neil Guest

    there are some tutorials with the software
    you can learn a lot by just trying things yourself
    for surfaces try www.dimontegroup.com for some helpful PowerPoint
    presentations kindly made available to us.
    neil, Oct 22, 2003
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