Looking for example OpenAccess technology file for Opus library

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Ronald, Aug 12, 2004.

  1. Ronald

    Ronald Guest


    I'm trying to understand the connection between via class definition
    (symContactDevice, ruleContactDevice, standardViaDefs, customViaDefs,
    and viaSpecs) inside technology file.

    If you have an OA technology file, would you share it with us?
    Also, an associated technology LEF file would be appreciated.

    Ronald, Aug 12, 2004
  2. Ronald

    Debbie Unger Guest

    It's great if you get someone to send you these files.
    I'm sure Cadence customer support has tons of these on file.
    Even so, you can generate both on your own in Opus.

    Assuming you have the Opus OpenAccess software (why else would you ask
    the question), all you need to do to generate your own Opus
    CDBA:OpenAccess 1:1 technology file is to run the supplied cdb2oa
    translator. This will even generate OpenAccess schematics & layouts.

    Similar story with the technology LEF (although it probably won't be
    as complete in the first pass as you'll need for some place and route

    Try File Export LEF.

    The main advantage of these files to you should be that they provide a
    1:1 old:new comparison of YOUR technology (not someone elses'
    Debbie Unger, Aug 27, 2004
  3. Ronald

    John Gianni Guest

    All the latest Cadence complete design kits (Cadence CDKs) we are
    working with contain both a directory for CDBA-based reference
    libraries & OA-based reference libraries.

    In addition, the latest Cadence 90nm CDK comes with a 90nm LEF
    technology file in the PDK lef directory. I don't know who you are (I
    never send files to non-business addresses) so I suggest you contact
    your sales team who knows your design needs and should be able to
    satisfy them accordingly.
    Hmmmm ... there are whole chapters on this ... and I'm not the expert
    by any stretch of the imagination ... but I can say that, for custom
    flows, cdsVias (techlib/cell/layout) are generally preferred, while
    ruleVias (techlib/cell/symbolic) are generally preferred for digital
    power & clock routes (both of which can be created by LEFin or DEFin
    into DFII on CDBA).

    Interestingly, LEFin or DEFin into DFII on OA 2.0 creates a fixed
    cellview (techlib/cell/via) plus a custom via def and rule vias

    Even more interestingly, I think cdb2oa converts the DFII on CDB
    cdsVias (techlib/cell/layout) to OA 2.0 cdsVias plus standard via def
    (where the difference between a standard via def and a custom via def
    is that standard via defs are pre-defined oa parameterized vias, while
    a cyustom via def is a registration of a cellview which can be fixed
    or a pcell which is to be seen as a via.

    It's all well thought out & documented (I believe).

    Basically, I think the 4 DFII CDB vias are pcell cellviews (syContact,
    syEnhContact, cdsVia, & ruleVia) which convert to OA 2.0 cellviews
    plus via definitions.

    In summary for OA 2.0 ...
    - The via cellview is required for the so-called DFII-as-is
    - A via definition is required to put a via in an OA-native route;
    - Therefore, the DFII on OA 2.0 techfile should contain BOTH vias.

    I'm told that in OA 2.2, the cellview will be removed (where possible)
    - Vias are represented in OA 2.2 as native OA via objects
    - Vias are not normally represented as instances in DFII on OA 2.2

    Cadence Customer Support has all this outlined (I believe) in a
    solution or apnote or KPNS (I didn't look it up) so I'd suggest you
    contact your sales representative who should be able to provide full &
    complete details to satisfy
    your needs.
    John Gianni, Aug 27, 2004
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