Loading Multiple LISP Routines at Once...

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by abittar, Dec 28, 2004.

  1. abittar

    abittar Guest

    We are trying to load multiple LISP routines at one time. We would like to
    load them when AutoCAD is starting up, but do not want to use the acad.lsp
    file to accomplish this task.

    Thank you in advance.
    abittar, Dec 28, 2004
  2. abittar

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Only if ACADLSPASDOC is set to 0.
    A setting of 1 loads acad.lsp in every drawing opened.
    R.K. McSwain, Dec 28, 2004
  3. abittar

    Tom Smith Guest

    Only if ACADLSPASDOC is set to 0.
    True. The default is 0. Setting it to 1 defeats the potentially very useful
    dustinction between the two files.
    Tom Smith, Dec 28, 2004
  4. abittar

    ecable Guest

    We have a custom menu on the server that everyone is mapped to (company.MNS) and a company.MNL in the same location.
    All of the .VLX and .LSP files that are use frequently are loaded from the company.MNL.
    Any other .LSP or .VLX files are called from the menu ie.
    (if (not c:somelisp (load "somelisp")(princ)) somelisp.
    ecable, Dec 28, 2004
  5. abittar

    Tom Smith Guest

    All of the .VLX and .LSP files that are use frequently are loaded from the
    Syntax error in last line.

    I don't like loading any lisps at startup because of the time wasted
    compared to the autoload technique. I don't distinguish between frequently
    used and otherwise, because I've learned that usage varies wildly among
    users. I autoload everything, in small doses, so that nothing's loaded until
    it's called, and there's never a delay waiting for this to happen.

    I don't put any of the (if (not "blah") (load "blah"));blah; business in a
    menu item, because it's just repetitive clutter. That's what mnl's were
    intended for, to get the lisp out of the menu and to eliminate the question
    of whether a lisp had been loaded. If the mnl says (autoload "blah"
    '("blah")) then there's no reason to use anything more than ^c^cblah; for
    the menu item.
    Tom Smith, Dec 28, 2004
  6. abittar

    ecable Guest

    I didn't know about autoload. I just looked it up and it looks to be the way to go.
    The help file doesn't say anything about a VLX file, but I am assuming that will work as well.
    I am getting ready to write a new menu and I will have to try autoload.

    Thanks for the information.
    ecable, Dec 29, 2004
  7. abittar

    Tom Smith Guest

    The help file doesn't say anything about a VLX file, but I am assuming
    that will work as well.

    It takes a small tweak. There's a silly oversight in Acad's autoloader in
    that it doesn't accept FAS or VLX files.

    My loader-upper file, which is loaded by an mnl, consists of a number of
    autoload statements. In that file, I redefined the ai_ffile function found
    in acad2004doc.lsp as follows:

    (defun ai_ffile (app)
    (or (findfile (strcat app ".lsp"))
    (findfile (strcat app ".exp"))
    (findfile (strcat app ".exe"))
    (findfile (strcat app ".arx"))
    (findfile (strcat app ".fas"))
    (findfile (strcat app ".vlx"))
    (findfile app)))

    This allows autoload to work with FAS and VLX files as well as the other

    For performance reasons (e.g. not waiting for things to load) I compile any
    single lisp larger than about 5 or 10K as a FAS file and use a statement
    like (autoload "jack" '("jack")). For multiple small lisps, I compile them
    into VLX's in bunches of about 20 or 30K, and use a statement like (autoload
    "lisp1" '("addbp" "alloff" "arrow" "bkln" "chglayer" "date")). In that
    example, lisp1.vlx will load the first time the user issues any of the
    commands listed.
    Tom Smith, Dec 29, 2004
  8. abittar

    ecable Guest

    Thanks Tom.
    This gives me a whole new perspective on loading my routines.
    Have a great New Year.

    Ed Cable
    ecable, Dec 29, 2004
  9. abittar

    Tom Smith Guest

    You're welcome, same to you Ed.

    Load time isn't as noticeable as it used to be on slower machines, but it
    can make a big difference if you're automating things, as in running a
    script on multile drawings.

    I've even made myself another profile purely for scripting, which has no
    menu at all and therefore, all of our custom stuff is disabled. I'll set up
    the script to only load whatever lisps are actually needed. I found that
    drawings will open at least three times as fast in a script, on my computer,
    if there's no menu loaded. That's a big difference if you're processing many
    Tom Smith, Dec 29, 2004
  10. Try adding the routines to Startup Suite.

    Type Appload, in dialog box press the button "Contents",

    select the routines and close. In the next autocad section,

    the routines are loadeds.


    Rogerio_Brazil, Dec 29, 2004
  11. abittar

    ecable Guest

    That's a good idea. I run scrips on whole directories of drawings occasionally, and never thought to create a profile for just that purpose.

    Thanks again.

    Ed Cable
    ecable, Dec 29, 2004
  12. But there are times when you would want to normally load a LSP file in each and
    every drawing, e.g. if you offer your users a standard "macros" type of
    application that has many company-wide keyboard macros as a
    replacement/enhancement for acad.pgp.

    If you try to autoload this, you'd had to define an Autoload expression for each
    and every command, which could get daunting if you have many of them, and you'd
    always have to sync the source macros file with the autoload expression, which
    adds a bit of admin overhead.

    Currently I autoload a standard "macros.vlx" package - using a modified
    (ai_ffile) function that is STILL not fixed in 2005 - that contains hundreds of
    keyboard macros. It's about 300K, yet doesn't cause a noticable delay in loading
    for my 30-odd users.

    The other thing I do is separate standard functions into separate library VLX
    files, and "demand load" those libraries as required. That lessens the code
    required in the macros and utilities. I currently have about 20 separate library
    files for handling different types of tasks (registry, file I/O, blocks, text,
    strings, etc.)

    For times when one wants to turn off autoloading a "big" application like
    macros.vlx (for speed or whatever), you could offer your users the option of not
    autoloading it using a simple "flag" function (in acaddoc.lsp) which uses
    (getenv) and (setenv) to read/write to the user's Registry...

    (defun ToggleMacrosLoad (/ v)
    (setq v (getenv "LoadMacros"))
    (if v
    (setenv "LoadMacros" (abs (1- v)))
    (setenv "LoadMacros" 1) ;;default value = enabled

    ...., which can accessed in a menu using DIESEL:
    [$(if,$(eq,$(getenv,LoadMacros),1),!.)Load macros in every

    And in your S::STARTUP function, use this expression to load them:
    (if (= 1 (getenv "LoadMacros")) (load "Macros.vlx"))


    Matt Stachoni, Dec 31, 2004
  13. abittar

    Tom Smith Guest

    Matt, I stand corrected -- I simplified to the point of incorrectness. I
    should have said, I don't like loading any lisps on startup except when it's
    actually necessary. One is the keyboard macro scenaro you mention.

    I explicitly load 5 compiled lisps on startup, totalling about 35K, by means
    of the mnl. They could have been combined into one, but it's clearer to me
    to break them up by function. For that matter, they could have all been in
    the mnl itself, but AFAIK it can't be compiled, and I've had a thing about
    securing code ever since our whole suite of R14 lisps walked out the door
    with a short term employee.

    The mnl contains only one load statement. The compiled file it loads is a
    "copyright" protection gizmo. Unless certain conditions are true, it will
    crash with a software license error message, and none of our other lisps
    will load individually. If the conditions are met, then it loads 4 other
    compiled lisps.

    The first contains menu-related "library" functions. None of our menu
    customizations will work unless this is loaded. The second is simply a
    lisp-loader-upper file containing ai_ffile and all my autoload statements.
    (When are they ever going to remember to fix that?) The third is entirely
    keyboard macros -- only about 11K of them, but then we obviously have a much
    simpler system than yours. The fourth defines block-related macros. It's
    only a 4K file, but has a slightly noticeable load time, because it scans
    our block folders at load time and writes a like-named insertion macro for
    each block found, maybe 800 more macros in all. The result is that we can
    insert any standard block simply by typing its name. (There are other
    interfaces for inserting blocks, of course, but our keyboard junkies love

    For the autoloading stuff, I mentioned that I compiled all our mini-lisps
    into VLX's in groups of a certain size. I found the size that was
    comfortable for us purely by experimentation, and it's nowhere near your
    300K! Obviously, we have some very, very slow computers still in use, but
    that will change soon. If I could autoload more stuff in a gulp, I would --
    I'll adjust this when the computers get upgraded. My point was that
    performance issues are relative, and what's fast enough in one setting might
    be horribly slow in another.

    As I told Ed, if I'm going to run a script on hundreds of drawings, I really
    don't want ANYTHING loading except what's actually going to be used in the
    script. I have an alternate profile which doesn't load any menu, thereby
    taking all our lisp out of the loop, as well as the menu load time. It makes
    a remarkable difference in how quickly files will open. I can script process
    files 3 or 4 times as fast with the "naked" profile, and that's a worthwhile

    The option for not autoloading things is interesting, thanks. I'll tuck that
    away for future reference.
    Tom Smith, Dec 31, 2004
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