List of $PRP commands in SW notes?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pope, Dec 20, 2005.

  1. pope

    pope Guest


    I've recently been searching this group and found a lot of helpful info
    to save time in my title blocks such as the $PRP:"SW-Current Sheet" and
    the $PRP:"Revision" so thanks for all the info. However one thing I
    can't find is a compiled list of all of these PRP commands that can be
    typed in the note fields. A search has yielded no results. If one
    such exists could you kindly point me to it?

    pope, Dec 20, 2005
  2. pope

    Eddie Guest

    In Help, type in "custom, property values" and a list will be displayed
    like such:
    SW-Author - Author field in Summary Information dialog box
    SW-Comments - Comments field in Summary Information dialog
    SW-Current Sheet - sheet number of the active sheet
    SW-Sheet Format Size - sheet size of the active sheet format

    In Help, type in "design tables, configuration paramaters", then select
    "Summary of Design Table Paramaters" for listings for parts only,
    assemblies only and parts & assemblies.
    Eddie, Dec 21, 2005
  3. pope

    pope Guest

    Thank you both, both of those suggestions have helped. Eddie just to
    correct a typo, the 2nd help search should be for "design tables,
    configuration parameters". Got them all printed out.

    pope, Dec 22, 2005
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