linux Vs Solaris in Cadence views

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tattvamasi, Jun 8, 2006.

  1. tattvamasi

    tattvamasi Guest

    Is there any script out there that can identify if a Cadence object(
    Schematic/layout/symbol) is saved in linux or Solaris?

    Does Cadence give out any script that could help us find this
    distinction, any pointers?

    tattvamasi, Jun 8, 2006
  2. There is no distinction. The disk image of a cellview uses a canonical
    format so there is no platform difference.
    Edward Kalenda, Jun 8, 2006
  3. tattvamasi

    tattvamasi Guest

    Please corect me if I am wwrong, but I hear there is some difference in
    endian-ness of the designs when saved across the paltforms. In the
    past, tools such as Assura 3.0.6 (sun Version) would not understand
    read layouts/schematics saved in linux.

    tattvamasi, Jun 8, 2006
  4. tattvamasi

    jayl-news Guest

    Not in my experience, and I was doing exactly that with Assura 3.0.3
    and 3.0.4 and 3.0.5.

    Now, the Assura run directory data (for viewing DRC errors,
    and probing LVS nets, etc.) used to be endian-sensitive once
    upon a time (so you couldn't view Assura DRC flags with a Solaris
    icfb session that had been generated by Assura run on Linux).

    But that's not dfII data.

    jayl-news, Jun 8, 2006
  5. There is no endian-ness in the disk image of DFII cellviews. I recently
    had the "opportunity" to load the same design into all four platforms
    currently supported by DFII 5.1.41 (Solaris, Linux, HPUX, AIX) in both
    32 and 64 bit mode. This worked flawlessly.

    The new database format, OpenAccess, is also platform neutral.

    There was a time when Assura had platform specific file content, but
    that was corrected years ago.
    Edward Kalenda, Jun 9, 2006
  6. tattvamasi

    tattvamasi Guest

    OK, thanks Edward and Jay!

    tattvamasi, Jun 9, 2006
  7. tattvamasi

    tattvamasi Guest

    OK, thanks Edward and Jay!

    tattvamasi, Jun 9, 2006
  8. Hi Ed, Partha,

    Actually, there is endian-ness of the disk image - but internally in the
    database it marks which way around the bytes are, and then this is handled upon

    There was a problem with the 64 bit versions of the tools right at the beginning
    of the support for Linux back in early 2003 where they crashed if reading data
    from written with Linux byte order (there was no Linux 64 bit version then, just
    Solaris, HPUX, IBM).

    I can't remember exactly what vintage Assura 3.0.6 is (it's no longer
    supported), but perhaps this is the problem you're talking about? In 32 bit mode
    there is no problem, but in 64 bit mode there was. The fault was not with the
    data itself, but the 64 bit database readers.

    This was corrected almost immediately after we started supporting Linux.

    Andrew Beckett, Jun 9, 2006
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