Justify text when placing

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by AJmtnbiker, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. AJmtnbiker

    AJmtnbiker Guest

    Does anyone know the best way to justify text in Microstation so that
    the test will form an even sided "block" like the justify button in
    MS word, automatically spacing the characters to even both the right
    and left sides? I tried using all of the different justification and
    method combinations with the place text tool and could not achieve the
    results I desired. Thanks.

    AJmtnbiker, Mar 16, 2007
  2. AJmtnbiker

    Jeff Guest

    write each letter one at a time and then spread them out evenly. :)

    sorry, couldn't help it....
    Jeff, Apr 11, 2007
  3. AJmtnbiker

    chris.kay Guest


    I do know of an mdl called "quill" that was produced by the people who
    made the "cadscript" package, through corporate montage in Perth
    Western Australia (www.corporatemontage.com). It works just like a
    word processor - not sure of the cost though, but it does work very
    well, Full postscript functionality and font library, very good for
    publishing, and illustrating in general - while your at it, have a
    look at there cadscript package as well, will solve all your ploting
    and printing problems if you have any - magnificent product

    Chris Adelaide South Australia ( if you need)
    chris.kay, Apr 11, 2007
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