ipcBeginProcess Error Please help. thanks!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by bur.rosario, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. bur.rosario

    bur.rosario Guest

    I executed a command in a remote host using ipcBeginProcess just like
    as shown below

    cid = ipcBeginProcess( "date" "myhost" "" )

    then I checked the value of cid:


    Since the value of cid is ipc:0 I think it means that the process is
    already alive.

    BUT there was an error message in the Konsole (command line) where I
    have executed the

    "icfb &" command.

    it says "cdsServIpc: Command not found."

    What could be possibly wrong? Permissions? Cadence Set-up?

    Thank in advance!

    Domo Arigato Gozaimasu!!!
    bur.rosario, Jun 2, 2008
  2. bur.rosario

    Riad KACED Guest


    There is a bit of explanation from the Cadence's doc:
    Interprocess Communication SKILL Functions Reference ($CDSHOME/doc/

    For SKILL-IPC to start a remote process, it must be able to locate the
    cdsServIpc program
    on the remote host. This is typically done by using the same filepath
    to the Cadence
    installation hierarchy on both the local and remote machines.

    In other words, Cadence needs the 'cdsServIpc' unix executable to run
    the ipcFunctions. So according to your error message, cdsServIpc is
    not recongnised and that's the reason why your commands are not

    I would propose the following:
    1. look where your cdsServIpc unix executable is installed by using
    the unix 'which' command
    2. make this 'cdsServIpc' available by default in your environment,
    either by:
    + making an alias
    + making a link into an area which is part of your default PATH env
    + make by a little shell script (csh, bash or whatever depends on your
    default shell)
    Thus purpose of this is to make 'cdsServIpc' available by default in
    your env.

    Back to your CIW and run the IPC again,

    Hope this help you in beating this issues !

    Riad KACED, Jun 2, 2008
  3. bur.rosario

    bur.rosario Guest


    thank you very much.

    I tried your third recommendation.

    And the "cdsServIpc: Command not found." did not appear anymore but
    there was no result either. (T_T)

    The cid parameter just kept a value of ipc:0....

    I tried to add the last parameter (log file) of ipcBeginProcess but it
    was not created.

    I have read an article in one of the Cadence Manuals found under the
    link below:


    Basic Requirements for Running a Remote Simulation

     The directory on the host where the Analog Design Environment is
    running should have
    the exact file system path on the remote host also.

     Users should be able to perform an rsh on the remote host without
    any login/password.

     Once rsh is successful, the login SHELL run command file (.cshrc for
    CSH) should
    contain appropriate path settings for the Cadence hierarchy. This
    implies that all the
    executablesshould be in path and LICENCE is set to the appropriate
    licence server.

     The cdsServIpc process should be running on the local as well remote

    In the third requirement, it says that the cdsServIpc process should
    be running on local as well remote hosts.

    I think the thrid requirement is what I need...

    How can I invoke the cdsServIpc in my remote host or in my local host?

    thanks and best regards,

    bur.rosario, Jun 3, 2008
  4. bur.rosario

    bur.rosario Guest


    by the way, the command that I am executing is a batch file.

    I have change the permission of the batch to make it executable using
    chmod 755.

    There is no problem when I execute ipcBeginProcess( "mybatchfile" ""
    "" ) locally.

    By the way about this:
    Command: ipcBeginProcess( "mybatchfile" "myremotehost" nil nil nil
    "test.log" )

    I have found the the log file in the home directory in the remote
    host, but it was empty.

    thanks in advance!
    bur.rosario, Jun 3, 2008
  5. bur.rosario

    Riad KACED Guest

    Can you please try the following:

    1. Rename your shell script into 'cdsServIpc' and add some env
    settings to make cadence alive. I would propose the following bourne
    shell file :

    export DFIIHOME
    CDS_LIC_FILE="port@server:port@server ..."
    export CDS_LIC_FILE
    export PATH
    $DFIIHOME/tools/dfII/bin/cdsServIpc $*
    # end of script

    This little script should set up the environment for Cadence
    (executable + license) and then executes the cdsServIpc with whatever
    arguments it is given to.

    This script Is off the top of my head since I'm not online to check
    it ... sorry :-(
    I hope this will help.

    Riad KACED, Jun 4, 2008
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