Insert a block with attributes read from database

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by lara, May 11, 2004.

  1. lara

    lara Guest

    I have a program which develops many blocks from a datbase(mdb). This block needs to be inserted in a drawing and the attributes need to be read from a different databse (mdb). It shouldnt prompt the user for the values.

    Can anyone help me please?

    In anticipation,
    lara, May 11, 2004
  2. Are you looking for someone to help you with this or someone to write it
    for you?

    If it's help you need, post the code you currently have.

    If it's a program you require, you might consider advertising your
    budget for this project in pn.classifieds.
    Frank Oquendo, May 11, 2004
  3. lara

    lara Guest

    Sub DrawingCreation()
    Dim conn As New ADODB.Connection

    Dim LstrFileName As String
    Dim LrsFileNames As New ADODB.Recordset
    Dim LrsDetails As New ADODB.Recordset

    Dim EntityColor As ACAD_COLOR
    Dim EntityType As String

    Dim EntityLine As AcadLine
    Dim EntityEllipse As AcadEllipse

    ‘define line variables
    Dim LineStartPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim LineEndPoint(0 To 2) As Double

    'define ellipse variables
    Dim EllipseCenterPt(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim EllipseAxisConstA As Double
    Dim EllipseAxisConstB As Double
    Dim EllipseMajorAxis(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim EllipseRadiusRatio As Double
    Dim DblStartAngle As Double
    Dim DblEndAngle As Double

    'to get blocks
    Dim StrBlockName As String
    Dim BlockRef As AcadBlockReference
    Dim bLocks As AcadBlocks
    Dim SymbolBlock As AcadBlock
    Dim BlockInsertPoint(0 To 2) As Double
    Dim AcadEntity() As Object
    Dim SelectAll As AcadSelectionSet
    Dim intN As Integer
    Dim varCopyObj As Variant

    'Connect to Database
    conn.Open "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0; data source =C:\block_drawing\blk-dwg.mdb"

    'Open Database
    LrsFileNames.Open "Select distinct DWG_NAME from DATA order by DWG_NAME", conn, 3, 3

    'Do till End of File
    Do While LrsFileNames.EOF <> True

    'for checking
    LstrFileName = LrsFileNames.Fields("DWG_NAME").Value

    LrsDetails.Open "SELECT * from DATA Where DWG_NAME= '" & LstrFileName & "'", conn, 3, 3
    Do While LrsDetails.EOF <> True

    EntityColor = CInt(LrsDetails.Fields("COLOUR"))
    EntityType = LrsDetails.Fields("TYPE")

    ‘check if its line

    If EntityType Like "*4 (Line*" Then
    ' Get line coordinates

    LineStartPoint(0) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("FirstPtX"))
    LineStartPoint(1) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("FirstPtY"))
    LineEndPoint(0) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("LINE_EndPtX"))
    LineEndPoint(1) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("LINE_EndPtY"))

    'draw line using Line command
    Set EntityLine = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddLine(LineStartPoint, LineEndPoint)
    EntityLine.color = EntityColor

    ElseIf EntityType Like "*Ellipse*" Then
    'get ellipse details - center point
    EllipseCenterPt(0) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("FirstPtX"))
    EllipseCenterPt(1) = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("FirstPtY"))

    'get x and y axis of ellipse
    EllipseAxisConstA = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("constantA"))
    EllipseAxisConstB = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("constantBâ€))
    'check which is the major axis
    If EllipseAxisConstB > EllipseAxisConstA Then
    'Y is the major axis
    EllipseMajorAxis(0) = 0
    EllipseMajorAxis(1) = EllipseAxisConstB
    EllipseRadiusRatio = EllipseAxisConstA / EllipseAxisConstB
    'X is the major axis
    EllipseMajorAxis(0) = EllipseAxisConstA
    EllipseMajorAxis(1) = 0
    EllipseRadiusRatio = EllipseAxisConstB / EllipseAxisConstA
    End If

    Set EntityEllipse = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddEllipse(EllipseCenterPt, EllipseMajorAxis, EllipseRadiusRatio)
    EntityEllipse.color = colr

    'Check if its an ellipse or elliptical arc
    If LrsDetails.Fields("EndAng") <> 360 Then
    ' it is an elliptical arc
    DblStartAngle = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("StartAng"))
    DblEndAngle = CDbl(LrsDetails.Fields("EndAng"))

    If (DblStartAngle + DblEndAngle) > 360 Then
    DblEndAngle = (DblStartAngle + DblEndAngle) - 360
    DblEndAngle = (DblStartAngle + DblEndAngle)
    End If

    EntityEllipse.StartAngle = DblStartAngle * (3.14 / 180)
    EntityEllipse.EndAngle = DblEndAngle * (3.14 / 180)

    End If

    ElseIf EntityType Like "*Drawing*" Then
    'get symbol insertion point and symbol name
    StrBlockName = LrsDetails.Fields("DWG_BLOCK_NAME")
    BlockInsertPoint(0) = LrsDetails.Fields("DWG_CENTRE_X")
    BlockInsertPoint(1) = LrsDetails.Fields("DWG_CENTRE_Y")
    BlockInsertPoint(2) = 0
    End If


    Set SelectAll = ThisDrawing.SelectionSets.Add("selectobjects")
    SelectAll.Select (acSelectionSetAll)
    SelectAll.Highlight (True)

    ReDim AcadEntity(0 To SelectAll.Count - 1)
    For intN = 0 To SelectAll.Count - 1
    Set AcadEntity(intN) = SelectAll.Item(intN)
    Next intN

    Set SymbolBlock = ThisDrawing.bLocks.Add(BlockInsertPoint, StrBlockName)
    varCopyObj = ThisDrawing.CopyObjects(AcadEntity, SymbolBlock)

    Set blkRef = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(BlockInsertPoint, StrBlockName, 1, 1, 1, 0)
    Set blkRef = Nothing
    Set SymbolBlock = Nothing

    ThisDrawing.Regen (acActiveViewport)

    ThisDrawing.SendCommand ("_erase all ")

    If Not SelectAll Is Nothing Then
    End If




    End Sub
    lara, May 12, 2004
  4. Lara,

    What is this code supposed to do and what does it actually do? IOW, what's
    the problem?
    Frank Oquendo, May 12, 2004
  5. lara

    lara Guest

    my code is perfect... i added the foll. line to add the attribute...

    set dwgAtt1 = AcBlk.AddAttribute(0.2, acAttributeModeConstant, "prompt", attInsPnt, "NAME", strName)

    where strName is the value which reads the data from the table.

    i want this strName to read dynamic value..

    example, if i place a block, that block should take value1 from database, or value2 or value3 dynamically... and not ask user for input.
    lara, May 12, 2004
  6. Congratulations.
    Frank Oquendo, May 13, 2004
  7. lara

    lara Guest

    Hi Frank, thanks for acknowledging my self-glorification effort. I need a help. I have given "send command" for mirroring all objects and erasing the block... (I am not sure if my block deletes the original entities after creating the block). Do you have better suggestions for this?
    lara, May 13, 2004
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