IGES export (wildfire)

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by scott, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. scott

    scott Guest


    Is it possible to export to a *single* IGES file but with all the assembly
    hierarchy information still intact? I have managed to make a single file
    but where everything is compressed into 1 part, or made lots of files (1 for
    each part/assembly).


    scott, Feb 23, 2004
  2. scott

    Rod Giles Guest

    Dear Scott,

    I'm not sure that IGES supports assemblies in the way you want. Try using
    STEP instead. This does support assembly hierarchy.


    Rod Giles
    Rod Giles, Feb 25, 2004
  3. scott

    scott Guest

    IGES does, because our other CAD system does exactly that, and ProE will
    import those files fine. It just won't export single file assemblies ...

    scott, Feb 27, 2004
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