Ideas/ suggestions for "freezing" BOM

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Ed, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. Ed

    Ed Guest

    The BOM updates automatically which is not bad for the first time that
    a drawing set is issued. However, when the "as-builds" are updated
    there is no guarantee that the BOM will be close to the origional.
    This makes it extremely hard to note, verify the changes etc.

    I have always liked to place a revision symbol next to the BOM items
    that have changed, however if the item numbers are different, the
    symbols will be in the wrong place. Even a good detailed revision note
    could say something about which item numbers have changed but if the
    item numbers are transient this could easily generate errors.

    Is there a good way of handling this? Should this be a request to SW
    for "freezing" the BOM.


    Ed, Sep 15, 2006
  2. I prefer to have the BOM follow the assy order, thereby not changing as
    easily. I also believe you can tell it to not change the item numbers, but
    I haven't used that.

    Wayne Tiffany, Sep 15, 2006
  3. Ed

    kenneth Guest

    in drawing,
    tools>options>document properties>detailing>Bill of Materials>Uncheck Auto
    kenneth, Sep 15, 2006
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