How to remove a metal layer '("M2" "D0") recursively in a top level block (layout)

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by davidncw, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. davidncw

    davidncw Guest

    Please Help because i'm new here.

    How do i use dbOpenCellViewByType() to remove a metal layer in a top
    level block which contents a lot of subblocks(also remove the layer
    from the sub-blocks)?
    Can anyone tell me how to write procedure to recursively use
    dbOpenCellViewByType() and dbDeleteObj() in DFII virtorso layout to
    remove the layer in every subblocks in the toplevel?

    davidncw, Mar 16, 2006
  2. davidncw

    Jimka Guest

    here is a function that will descend the layout hierarchy
    and apply a function to every cellview encountered.

    note that it will also traverse into pcells!

    you have to supply a function to call at each level.
    that function could, for example, delete shapes on
    the top metal layer.

    (defun traverse (d_cv u_fun)
    (funcall u_fun d_cv)
    (foreach d_inst d_cv~>instances
    (dbOpenCellViewByType d_inst~>libName
    (traverse d_inst~>master u_fun)))

    ;; example usage.
    ;; remove all M6 drawing in the hierarchy
    (traverse (geGetEditCellView)
    (lambda (d_cv)
    (unless (d_cv~>mode == "r")
    (foreach shape d_cv~>shapes
    (when shape~>lpp == '("M6" "drawing")
    (dbDeleteObject shape))))))
    Jimka, Mar 16, 2006
  3. davidncw

    davidncw Guest

    Something confusing me.
    Do we need to add dbSave(d_cv) and dbClose(d_cv)?
    What is the purpose of "u_fun" parameter?
    For example: traverse d_inst~>master u_fun

    davidncw, Mar 16, 2006
  4. davidncw

    Jimka Guest

    u_fun can be any function object or a symbol naming a function
    which you would like to be called at each level of the hierarchy.
    Find the call to FUNCALL in the function traverse which calls
    the given function on the cellview object.

    Yes, that function needs to save the cellview if it has modified it
    and wants to save it.

    for example if you would like to simply call dbSave on every cell in a
    you call use the above function and simply pass the dbSave function.

    (traverse (geGetEditCellView) 'dbSave)

    this will traverse the hierarchy and call dbSave on all the cellviews
    Jimka, Mar 17, 2006
  5. davidncw

    davidncw Guest

    Hi Jimka,
    Can you tell me what's wrong with the below code?
    I only able to create a rectancle('("M4" "D0") at instances below the
    top level. That's mean only 1 level down from top level. How about the
    most subblocks or another bottom levels subblocks? Look like, it didn't
    actioned recursively.

    Please help. Thanks.

    In CIW:
    I type: mytraverse(geGetEditCellView())

    ;cv = geGetEditCellView()
    foreach(d_inst d_cv~>instances
    d_cv = dbOpenCellViewByType(d_inst~>libName
    d_inst~>cellName d_inst~>viewName nil "a")
    dbCreateRect(d_cv list("M4" "D0") list(0:0
    davidncw, Mar 20, 2006
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