How to keep the gravity always on in Virtuoso

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Xiaofeng Wang, Sep 21, 2003.

  1. Hi, all:

    When using the Virtuoso, it is easy to turn off the gravity
    unintentionally by mistyping "g". It will result in the off-grid

    Is there any method to secure the gravity to be always on?


    Xiaofeng Wang, Sep 21, 2003
  2. The Gratify Controls have nothing to with the manufacturing grid or
    off grid drc errors!

    Form the docs:
    'You can use gravity to set the cursor (the small square) to snap to objects as
    you create them. This helps you create the edge of one object flush with another.'

    If you want to be sure that you are not designing off grid errors
    set the X snap spacing and the Y snap spacing in the Display Options
    to a multiple of your grid.

    To prevent users form editing this fields you can disable them
    form being edited with some SKILL code, which you have to put
    in your or the side wide .cdsinit file.

    ;; predefine the layout editor display options
    procedure( BFpredefLayDisOpts( )

    hiSetFieldEditable( leDisplayOptionsForm->xSnap nil )
    hiSetFieldEditable( leDisplayOptionsForm->ySnap nil )

    ) ;; close BFpredefLayDisOpts

    defUserInitProc( "le" 'BFpredefLayDisOpts )

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 22, 2003
  3. Xiaofeng Wang

    Partha Guest

    add the following i your .cdsenv to keep gravity on always,

    layout gravityOn boolean nil

    Partha, Sep 22, 2003
  4. Sorry to contradict you, but the
    environment variable setting

    layout gravityOn boolean nil

    turns the Gravity Controls off not on.

    layout gravityOn boolean t

    Set the Gravity Controls to be active, but also not
    always. This is an environment variable setting
    which will be overwritten every time you use the
    bindkey 'g' which toggles the Gravity Controls on and off.

    Bernd Fischer, Sep 23, 2003
  5. And lastly,

    redefine your g bindkey to NOT toggle the gravity setting so it's not easy to turn off.

    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "<Key>g" "")
    hiSetBindKey("Layout" "<Key>g" "leSetEnv(\"gravityOn\" t)")

    Dennis Higgins, Sep 24, 2003
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