How to have Excel driven 3D sketch points?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by stephen, Sep 22, 2004.

  1. stephen

    stephen Guest

    Hi All,

    I would like to use SWX to demo the results of an Excel calculation.
    How do I tie the cell value of the spreadsheet to the coordinates of
    3D sketch points? If it works out, then the points will constrain a
    sketched circle through them. I am hoping to see the circle rotate in
    3D in SWX.

    It is times like this, I realize how limited the help file is.

    Thank you all,

    stephen, Sep 22, 2004
  2. Why don't you use animator or equations to rotate the circle in an assembly.
    Sorry I don't know much about tying the cells to SW points thought.
    Corey Scheich, Sep 22, 2004
  3. stephen

    Guy Edkins Guest

    Guy Edkins, Sep 23, 2004
  4. stephen

    stephen Guest

    Thanks for the pointer. I am glad to know it is possible. I now have
    a rough idea of what I need to do, but I am having trouble figuring
    out what I should use to represent the X, Y, Z coordinates in the
    equation editor. I know the points are refered to as Point1@PtsOnDish
    and so on, but what does swx call the coordinates of the points? Are
    these info covered somewhere?

    stephen, Sep 23, 2004
  5. stephen

    TinMan Guest

    I'm not sure about Excel driven, but I have a copy of a macro that
    drives point location froms a text file (that you could create from an
    Excel file if you want). Maybe it will help.

    These will be your X, Y, and Z points respectively. Save this section
    (including the "-END-") as: C:/temp/pointcloud.txt.

    Here's the macro:

    ' ***
    ' by Jim Sculley, edited by Matt Lombard
    ' requires a text file with xyz data at the hard coded location below
    ' ***
    Dim swApp As Object
    Dim currentDoc As Object
    Const fileName = "C:/temp/pointcloud.txt"
    Const swDocPART = 1
    Const swDocASSEMBLY = 2
    Dim nextLine As String
    Dim xVal, yVal, zVal As Double
    Dim point As Object

    Sub main()
    Const errorString = "You must have a part file open to use this
    Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
    Set currentDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
    If currentDoc Is Nothing Then
    swApp.SendMsgToUser (errorString)
    End If
    If (currentDoc.getType = swDocASSEMBLY) Then
    swApp.SendMsgToUser (errorString)
    End If
    If (currentDoc.getType = swDocPART) Then

    Open fileName For Input As #1 ' Open file.
    Line Input #1, nextLine 'Read line into variable.
    nextLine = VBA.Trim(nextLine)
    Do While Not (nextLine = "-END-") ' Loop until -END- is found.
    xVal = Val(nextLine) 'convert string to number
    Line Input #1, nextLine
    yVal = Val(nextLine) 'convert string to number
    Line Input #1, nextLine
    zVal = Val(nextLine) 'convert string to number

    Set point = currentDoc.CreatePoint2(xVal * 0.0254, yVal *
    0.0254, zVal * 0.0254)
    Line Input #1, nextLine
    Close #1 ' Close file.

    Else 'must be a drawing
    swApp.SendMsgToUser (errorString)
    End If
    End Sub
    TinMan, Sep 27, 2004
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