How to find if two nets are connected in PLI

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Arash, Apr 1, 2004.

  1. Arash

    Arash Guest

    Suppose two modules mod1 and mod2 definitions are as follows:

    mod1 (output a);
    mod2 (input b);

    Assume that they are instantiated in module top and are conncted as

    module top;
    wire i;
    mod1 m1 (i);
    mod2 m2 (i)

    The problem is that I needed to find this out dynamically through PLI
    routines within mod1 and mod2. That is, we should know if two ports
    are connected to each other at simulation time in PLI routines.
    The solution I used was using acc_handle_simulated_net function. I
    called a PLI routine within each mod1 and mod2 as follows:

    mod1 (output a);

    $Save PLI routine saves the simulation net handle of a in global
    memory. If we do this also in mod2, since the simulation net handle of
    a and b (b is in mod2) is the same, by comparing them we can find out
    that they are connected to each other (i.e they are on the same net).
    This is done by using the fact that simulators can make collapsed nets
    and simulation nets as described in IEEE 1364 standard. However, some
    simulators don't do this at all, or at some situations. For example,
    in cadence NCVerilog, if you use force in your always blocks, the
    simulator doesn't make simulation nets.
    So, my question is that given the handles of two wires in separate
    modules, is there any other way that we can find out if they are on
    the same net (i.e. connected to each other)? In other words, is there
    an equivalent function for acc_handle_simulated_net that always works?

    I would appreciate your answers.
    Arash, Apr 1, 2004
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