How to create very long stimulus

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Alex, Jan 18, 2011.

  1. Alex

    Alex Guest

    Hi all,

    i need to create spectre/veriloga (not Verilog-ams) stimulus with tens
    of signals, each signal is very long train of pulses (thousands).
    For this moment I am using block (netlist generated with script) with
    vpwlf sources, and I need to have file with times/voltages for each
    It is hard to manage such a large number of files, and it not support
    It is impossible to use vpwl source, because it is not working with
    large number of time points. I think it only works with something less
    than thousand points.
    I know about vbit source, but in this source I will need to put train
    of hundreds of thousands bits. I believe it will not work like vpwl.
    Also I didn't find way to split bits stream to lines.

    So is it some other way to do such stimulus with only one file
    (spectre netlist or Verilog-A)?

    Alex, Jan 18, 2011
  2. Alex wrote, on 01/18/11 09:03:
    Spectre supports vector files . See "spectre -h vector". This is covered in more
    detail in the full manuals.

    Andrew Beckett, Feb 22, 2011
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