How does Property Painter in v7 work?

Discussion in 'AutoSketch' started by cmxl, Jun 7, 2004.

  1. cmxl

    cmxl Guest

    A long time ago here, I read an explanation of how the Property Painter
    (paintbrush icon) works. I just can't remember it, nor get it to work. Can
    anyone help?
    cmxl, Jun 7, 2004
  2. cmxl

    Harvey Guest

    This is from the AutoSketch Help screen:

    To match the properties of an entity or entities to a selection set

    1. Click the Property Painter button on the Standard toolbar.
    2. Select the entity whose properties you want to extract (the source entity).
    3. On the edit bar, check the property check boxes to apply to the target entities.
    4. Select the entities whose properties you want to change. You may have to drag
    to define a region of selection. The properties of the entity are applied.
    5. (optional) Right-click once to redefine the source entity and continue matching
    properties using the Property Painter.
    Harvey, Jun 8, 2004
  3. cmxl

    cmxl Guest

    Yes, thank you, it works! I did read Help screen, but maybe not well
    enough... could've sworn those property check boxes weren't there when I
    tried it before, but of course they must've been. I dunno...! Again,
    cmxl, Jun 8, 2004
  4. cmxl

    Rod Hulbert Guest

    You were probably clicking on the "eyedropper". Similar to the brush but no
    check boxes, changes current settings so new objects take on those values.

    Rod Hulbert, Jun 9, 2004
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