How do i draw arrows in drawing mode?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Brice Wu, Oct 6, 2004.

  1. Brice Wu

    Brice Wu Guest

    I am trying to indicate a section of a jig that needs to be pulled down, and
    i can't figure out how to draw an arrow with an arc extention line to show
    it. All i can think of is to draw a 3 point arc and a triangle in drawing
    mode, then the problem with that is how do i color in the triangle?

    Help plz.
    Brice Wu, Oct 6, 2004
  2. Brice Wu

    Brice Wu Guest

    i tried using the multi-jog leader, but i can't connect an arc to it. if i
    use a circle, it creates 2 triangles making it look like a detail view,
    which i don't want.
    Brice Wu, Oct 6, 2004
  3. Brice Wu

    Krister L Guest

    Draw Your arrow....highlight the sketch and insert annitation/area
    hatch/fill ...take solid klick ok. Now highlight (left mouse button) the
    area hatch and go to line color....choose your color and it should be done.

    Krister L
    Krister L, Oct 7, 2004
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