How am I going to set a bindkey everytime the shematic window was close?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Leonel Mendoza, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. I was thinking of Hisetbindkey, but I cannot find the exact key called
    everytime the schematic wndow closes? Anyone who have an idea?
    Leonel Mendoza, Mar 14, 2011
  2. Can anyone give example code, like for instance i want to display
    message box everytime the x (close) button of the schematic window was
    Leonel Mendoza, Mar 14, 2011
  3. Leonel Mendoza

    Pete Z. Guest

    I think what you want is to register a user app trigger with
    deRegUserTriggers(). You can register a window close proc with
    hiRegCloseProc(), but you would have to register a closeProc for each
    window opened, where deRegUserTriggers() lets you register a trigger
    for a specific view type.

    hiSetBindKey() is for associating a Skill command with a specific
    keystroke or mouse button click, so I don't think that's what you

    -Pete Z.
    Pete Z., Mar 14, 2011
  4. So many thanks with this post,.,.. I have used hiRegCloseProc() ,.,.
    but i'm curios of how to use deREgusertriggers,.,. but any way my
    problem was solved,.,.,. You're Great!! heheh
    Leonel Mendoza, Mar 15, 2011
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