Hole Callout - Letter drill size?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by wc, Jul 31, 2007.

  1. wc

    wc Guest

    SW2006sp5, using the hole wizard I placed several letter sized holes, in
    the drawing the hole callout returns a decimal sized hole (.261 or
    whatever) rather than the expected F (or whatever), is there a "smart"
    way to make it read 'F' or 'W' or whatever I input in the model?

    wc, Jul 31, 2007
  2. wc

    fcsuper Guest


    You might not be getting a response to your question because this
    isn't a common practice. I also wouldn't say that calling out the bit
    size is "expected". Normally, process specific notes are not added to
    the drawing (unless you are making a process drawing). Calling out
    the bit instead of the actual hole size is reference to the process.
    It also removes your ability to tolerance the hole as you are not
    longer calling out an actual diameter. With that said, I don't
    believe theres an automatic way to have SW call out the hole by it's
    bit size. There may be a look up table that is used by SW to name the
    hole features in the model mode. I'm not sure where that would be

    Matt Lorono
    Co-moderator of http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/solidworks
    fcsuper, Aug 1, 2007
  3. wc

    wc Guest

    Thank you for the reply, I was making an 'in house' drawing and a couple
    of our machinists are rather old-school, ie don't quite grasp ansi
    standards/symbols. I had assumed that since a letter size drilled hole
    was available in the Hole Wizard I would be able to retrieve the hole
    size in the Hole Callout...

    wc, Aug 7, 2007
  4. wc

    Anna Wood Guest

    Change the Dimension Text over in the Dimension Properties, on the
    left, from <hw-diam> to <hw-fstsze>. Down in the lower left corner of
    the Dimension Text box is a button called Variables, click on that and
    you can see all the potential system variables that you can use on
    your dimension text.

    If you want all your hole callouts to show the <hw-fstsze> you can
    modify the calloutformat.txt file found in
    C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\lang\english. Be sure to back-up before
    modifying. Also, if all your users need access to these standards,
    copy the file out to the network and set a path under System Options >
    File Locations > Hole Callout Format File.

    I will usually change this callout on an as needed basis on the shop
    drawings we create for our guys. Sometimes the drill size is good
    enough for size and tolerance.


    Anna Wood
    Anna Wood, Aug 8, 2007
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