HELP WITH VB.NET AND AutoCAD! Are there out there any gurus?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by eli, Jun 19, 2004.

  1. eli

    eli Guest

    It seems like this is a very difficult question or not too many people
    have come to the challenge of using VB.NET for programming autocad.

    I have a very common scenario for VB6 autocad programmers. I want to
    have a VB.NET DLL with a form in it, and a client application VB6 or
    VB.NET I dont care (but I prefer VB.NET). Then in my client I
    reference autocad application, I use application.GetInterfaceObject to
    inject my DLL in autocads memory space and call a function of my DLL
    from the client that shows the DLL's form.
    In this way, as VB6 autocad programmers know, the DLL's form is shown
    modally "within" autocad.

    Well I have done this many times in VB6, I just cant accomplish it
    using a VB.NET Dll with a form in it!!!!

    PLEASE!!! is there someone who has tried this out and knows whats
    going on???
    The whole thing is to make my form in VB.NET, I dont care if the
    client is in VB6 or .NET or whether I will use COM or not... I just
    want to accomplish the same VB6 scenario with VB.NET form....

    (I have tried a couple of things but none behaves the exactly like the
    VB6 scenario)

    Thank you, I will appreciate any help on the subject
    eli, Jun 19, 2004
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