Help with skill save function

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Samuel Hudač, Mar 3, 2016.

  1. Samuel Hudač

    Samuel Hudač

    Mar 3, 2016
    Likes Received:
    hi all i need something skill function which used to save ocean script from my UI which i have programed. I also attach my skill script. Thx.

    zaciatok vytvorenie roll menu

    TrMonteCarloItem = hiCreateMenuItem(
    ?name 'TrMenuItemOpen
    ?itemText "Monte Carlo"
    ?callback "hiDisplayForm( trSampleMonteCarlo )"

    TrCornerItem = hiCreateMenuItem(
    ?name 'TrCornerItem
    ?itemText "Corner"
    ?callback "hiDisplayForm( trSampleCorner )"

    'TrPulldownMenu ;Skuska Menu
    "Analyzes Menu"
    list(TrCornerItem TrMonteCarloItem )
    hiInsertBannerMenu( window(1) TrPulldownMenu 0 );sluzi na zobrazenie menu na liste

    ;;;------------------------Corner Analysis-----------------------------------------------------<<<<<
    ;;;------------------------Simulator Menu------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    SimulatorField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SimulatorField
    ?labelText ""

    Spectre = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'Spectre
    ?prompt "Simulator:"
    ?choices list('Spectre("Spectre"))
    ?numSelect 1

    PathMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'PathMenu
    ?prompt "Path to Models"
    ?choices list("/opt/deskits/AMS/HK380/spectre/c35/soac" )
    ?value "/opt/deskits/AMS/HK380/spectre/c35/soac"
    ;;;prependPath( "/opt/eda/pdk/AMS/410/spectre/c35/soac.scs" "/opt/eda/pdk/AMS/410/spectre/c35/soac" )
    ;;;----------------------Select Corners-------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    SelectCornersField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SelectCornersField
    ?labelText "Select Corners for Model Groups"

    CAP = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'CAP
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('CAP("CAP"))
    ?numSelect 1

    CAPmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'CAPmenu

    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" "TMWN" )
    ?value "TM"

    CAPfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'CAPfield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(WP "WP ")
    ?numSelect 2
    BIP = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'BIP
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('BIP("BIP"))
    ?numSelect 1

    BIPmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'BIPmenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" "TMWN" )
    ?value "TM"

    BIPfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'BIPfield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(HS "HS ")
    list('HB "HB ")
    ?numSelect 3

    IND = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'IND
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('IND("IND"))
    ?numSelect 1

    INDmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'INDmenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" )
    ?value "TM"

    INDfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'INDfield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(HQ "HQ ")
    ?numSelect 2

    ESDDIODE = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'ESDDIODE
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('ESDDIODE("ESDDIODE"))
    ?numSelect 1

    ESDDIODEmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'ESDDIODEmenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" )
    ?value "TM"

    ESDDIODEfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'ESDDIODEield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(LBV "LBV ")
    ?numSelect 2

    RES = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'RES
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('RES("RES"))
    ?numSelect 1

    RESmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'RESmenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" "TMWN" )
    ?value "TM"

    RESfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'RESfield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(WP "WP ")
    ?numSelect 2

    CMOS = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'CMOS
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('CMOS("CMOS"))
    ?numSelect 1

    CMOSmenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'CMOSmenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "TM" "TMWN" )
    ?value "TM"

    CMOSfield = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'CMOSfield
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('(WP "WP ")
    list('WS "WS ")
    list('WO "WO ")
    ?numSelect 4

    ;;;----------------------Select Variables-------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    SelectVariablesField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SelectVariablesField
    ?labelText "Select Variables"

    TEMP = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'TEMP
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('TEMP("TEMP"))
    ?numSelect 1

    ADDTempField = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'ADDTempField
    ?prompt " "
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    VSUPPLY = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'VSUPPLY
    ?prompt ""
    ?choices list('VSUPPLY("VSUPPLY"))
    ?numSelect 1

    ADDVsupplyField = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'ADDVsupplyField
    ?prompt " "
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )
    ADDField = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'ADDField
    ?prompt "Additional Variable Name:"
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    ADDField1 = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'ADDField1
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Add")
    ?callback '("println( 'Add)") ;;treba pridat proceduru kde sa bude vytvarat nove okno

    ;;;----------------------Number of cores-------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    NumbsField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'NumbsField
    ?labelText ""

    NumbOfCores = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'NumbOfCores
    ?prompt "Number of Cores"
    ?choices list( "1" "2" "3" "4")
    ?value "2"

    ;;Vytvori tlacidlo
    AvaliableCores = hiCreateButtonBoxField(
    ?name 'AvaliableCores
    ?prompt "Avaliable Cores"
    ?choices '("Check!")
    ?callback '("println( 'Avaliable Cores )")


    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    DesignField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'DesignField
    ?labelText "Design Customization File (DCF)")

    AddCornersFile = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'AddCornersFile
    ?prompt "Coreners File:"
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    LoadDCF = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'LoadDCF
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Load DCF")
    ?callback '("println( 'Load DCF)")

    SaveDCF = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'SaveDCF
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Save DCF")
    ?callback '("println( 'Save DCF)")

    SaveDCFAs = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'SaveDCFAs
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Save Dcf As... ")
    ?callback '("println( 'Save DCF)")

    ;;;----------------------Cron Tab---------------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    CronTabField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'CronTabField
    ?labelText "CronTab Definition"

    Minute= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Minute
    ?labelText "Minute"

    Hour= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Hour
    ?labelText "Hour"

    Day= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Day
    ?labelText "Day of Month"

    Month= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Month
    ?labelText "Month"

    Week= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Week
    ?labelText "Day of Week"

    Check= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Check
    ?labelText "CronTab"

    MinuteMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'MinuteMenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" )
    ?value "0"

    HourMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'HourMenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"
    "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" )
    ?value "0"

    DayMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'DayMenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"
    "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" )
    ?value "0"

    MonthMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'MonthMenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" )
    ?value "0"

    WeekMenu = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'WeekMenu
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list("Mon." "Tue." "Wed." "Thu." "Fri." "Sat." "Sun." )
    ?value "Mon."

    Cron = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'Cron
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('Append(""))
    ?numSelect 1

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie pre vysledky simulacii
    SimulationResultField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SimulationResultField
    ?labelText "Simulation Results"

    ;;;----------------------Numb. of corners-------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie pre pocet cornerov
    CornerField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'CornerField
    ?labelText ""

    NmbOfCorners= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'NmbOfCorners
    ?labelText "Number Of Corners:"

    EditCorners = hiCreateButtonBoxField(
    ?name 'EditCorners
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Edit Corners --> ")
    ?callback '("println( 'Edit Corners --> )") ;;vola funkciu ktoru nema urcenu to znamena momentalne error.

    ;;;------------------------Monte Carlo Analaysis------------------------------------------------<<<<<
    AnalysisSetup= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'AnalysisSetup
    ?labelText "Analysis Setup"
    ?justification 'center

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    SamplingField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SamplingField
    ?labelText ""

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    NumbersOfRunsField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'NumbersOfRunsField
    ?labelText ""

    SamplingMethod = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'SamplingMethod
    ?prompt "Sampling Method"
    ?choices list('Standard("Standard")
    ?numSelect 2

    NumberOf = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'NumberOf
    ?prompt "Number"
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    ;;;----------------------Cron Tab Monte carlo---------------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie
    MCronTabField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'MCronTabField
    ?labelText "CronTab Definition"

    MinuteM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'MinuteM
    ?labelText "Minute"

    HourM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'HourM
    ?labelText "Hour"

    DayM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'DayM
    ?labelText "Day of Month"

    MonthM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'MonthM
    ?labelText "Month"

    WeekM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'WeekM
    ?labelText "Day of Week"

    CheckM= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'CheckM
    ?labelText "CronTab"

    MinuteMenuM = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'MinuteMenuM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "10" "20" "30" "40" "50" )
    ?value "0"

    HourMenuM = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'HourMenuM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"
    "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" )
    ?value "0"

    DayMenuM = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'DayMenuM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12"
    "13" "14" "15" "16" "17" "18" "19" "20" "21" "22" "23" "24" "25" "26" "27" "28" "29" "30" "31" )
    ?value "0"

    MonthMenuM = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'MonthMenuM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "0" "1" "2" "3" "4" "5" "6" "7" "8" "9" "10" "11" "12" )
    ?value "0"

    WeekMenuM = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'WeekMenuM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list("Mon." "Tue." "Wed." "Thu." "Fri." "Sat." "Sun." )
    ?value "Mon."

    CronM = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'CronM
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list('Append(""))
    ?numSelect 1

    ;;;Vytvori ohranicenie pre vysledky simulacii
    SimulationResultField1 = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'SimulationResultField1
    ?labelText "Simulation Results"
    NumberOfRuns = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'NumberOfRuns
    ?prompt "Number of Runs"
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    StartingRun = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'StartingRun
    ?prompt "Starting Run # "
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    AnalysisVariation = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'AnalysisVariation
    ?prompt "Analysis Variation"
    ?choices list( "Process Only" "Mismatch Only" "Process & Mismatch" )
    ?value "Process Only"

    SweepParameter = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'SweepParameter
    ?prompt "Sweep Parameter"
    ?choices list( "None" "Temperature" )
    ?value "None"

    AppendField = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'AppendField
    ?prompt "Append to Previous Scalar Data"
    ?choices list('Append(""))
    ?numSelect 1

    SaveData = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'SaveData
    ?prompt "Save Data Between Runs to Allow Family Plots"
    ?choices list('SaveData(""))
    ?numSelect 1

    SaveProcess = hiCreateToggleField(
    ?name 'SaveProcess
    ?prompt "Save Process Parameters"
    ?choices list('SaveProces(""))
    ?numSelect 1

    Name= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Name
    ?labelText "# Name"

    Expression= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Expression
    ?labelText "Expression/Signal"

    DataType= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'DataType
    ?labelText "Data Type"

    Autoplot= hiCreateLabel(
    ?name 'Autoplot
    ?labelText "Autoplot"

    ;;;Vytvori Frane field
    OutputsField = hiCreateFrameField(
    ?name 'OutputsField
    ?labelText "Outputs"


    Short = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'Short
    ?prompt " "
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    Long = hiCreateListField(
    ?name 'Long
    ?prompt " "
    ?value list( )
    ?defValue list( )

    Scalar = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'Scalar
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "Scalar" "Wave" )
    ?value "Scalar"

    Yes = hiCreateCyclicField(
    ?name 'Yes
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices list( "Yes" "No" )
    ?value "No"

    ;;-------------------------------Vytvaranie tlacidiel---------------------------
    ADDField2 = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'ADDField2
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Add")
    ?callback '("println( 'Add)")

    Delete = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'Delete
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Delete")
    ?callback '("println( 'Delete)")

    Change = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'Change
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Change ")
    ?callback '("println( 'Change )")

    Clear = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'Clear
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Clear")
    ?callback '("println( 'Clear)")

    Calculator = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'ADDField1
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("Calculator")
    ?callback '("println( 'Calculator)")

    GetExpression = hiCreateButtonBoxField( ;;premenna = funkcia
    ?name 'GetExpression
    ?prompt " "
    ?choices '("GetExpression ")
    ?callback '("println( 'GetExpression )")

    ;;;------------------------Vkladanie Okien-------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    TabField = hiCreateTabField(
    ?name 'TabField
    ?pageScroller nil
    ?fields list(
    list( SimulatorField 5:10 485:70 15 ) ;;;;z lava:z hohra dlzka:sirka neviem
    list( SelectCornersField 5:90 485:200 15 )
    list( SelectVariablesField 5:300 485:120 15 )
    list( NumbsField 5:430 485:70 15 )
    list( DesignField 5:510 485:90 15 )
    list( CronTabField 5:610 485:70 15 )
    list( CornerField 5:690 485:50 15 )
    list( Spectre 10:15 130:27 100 )
    list( PathMenu 10:40 130:70 100 )
    list( CAP 10:110 130:27 5 )
    list( BIP 10:140 130:27 5 )
    list( IND 10:170 130:27 5 )
    list( ESDDIODE 10:200 130:27 5 )
    list( RES 10:230 130:27 5 )
    list( CMOS 10:260 130:27 5 )
    list( CAPmenu 110:110 130:27 5 )
    list( BIPmenu 110:140 130:27 5 )
    list( INDmenu 110:170 130:27 5 )
    list( ESDDIODEmenu 110:200 130:27 5 )
    list( RESmenu 110:230 130:27 5 )
    list( CMOSmenu 110:260 130:27 5 )
    list( CAPfield 210:110 130:27 5 )
    list( BIPfield 210:140 130:27 5 )
    list( INDfield 210:170 130:27 5 )
    list( ESDDIODEfield 210:200 130:27 5 )
    list( RESfield 210:230 130:27 5 )
    list( CMOSfield 210:260 130:27 5 )
    list( ADDTempField 170:315 300:27 5 )
    list( ADDVsupplyField 170:345 300:27 5 )
    list( TEMP 10:315 130:27 5 )
    list( VSUPPLY 10:345 130:27 5 )
    list( ADDField 10:375 370:27 164 )
    list( ADDField1 380:375 200:27 5)
    list( NumbOfCores 10:435 130:27 164)
    list( AvaliableCores 10:460 130:27 160 )
    list( Minute 100:620 130:27 15)
    list( Hour 170:620 130:27 15)
    list( Day 230:620 130:27 15)
    list( Month 340:620 130:27 15)
    list( Week 400:620 130:27 15)
    list( Check 7:620 130:27 15)

    list( MinuteMenu 90:645 130:27 15)
    list( HourMenu 160:645 130:27 15)
    list( DayMenu 220:645 130:27 15)
    list( MonthMenu 330:645 130:27 15)
    list( WeekMenu 390:645 130:27 15)
    list( Cron 10:645 130:27 15)

    list( AddCornersFile 10:525 405:27 100 )
    list( LoadDCF 105:560 400:27 5 )
    list( SaveDCF 200:560 400:27 5 )
    list( SaveDCFAs 295:560 400:27 5 )

    list( NmbOfCorners 7:700 400:27 5 )
    list( EditCorners 350:700 400:27 5 )
    list( SimulationResultField 5:10 485:600 15) ;;;;z lava:z hohra dlzka:sirka neviem

    ;;;----------------------Vytvorenie zaloziek nad oknami pre corner analyzu------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ?tabPlacement 'top
    ?callback 'SampleTabFieldCB
    ?tabs list( "Corner definition tool" "Simulation results" )

    procedure( SampleTabFieldCB( )
    let( ((MyForm hiGetCurrentForm()))
    MyForm->TabField->defValue = MyForm->tabField->value
    printf("tab field value = %L\n", MyForm->tabField->value)

    ;;;----------------------Vkladanie Okna Monte Carlo-------------------------------------------<<<<<

    TabField1 = hiCreateTabField(
    ?name 'TabField1
    ?pageScroller nil
    ?fields list(
    list( CronTabField 5:555 485:70 15 )
    list( AnalysisSetup 5:10 485:5 15 );;;;z lava:z hohra dlzka:sirka neviem
    list( SamplingField 5:30 485:70 15 )
    list( NumbersOfRunsField 5:115 485:230 15 )
    list( SamplingMethod 10:40 130:27 200 )
    list( NumberOf 10:60 400:27 200 )
    list( NumberOfRuns 10:60 400:160 200 )
    list( StartingRun 10:60 400:220 200 )
    list( AnalysisVariation 10:185 400:280 200 )
    list( SweepParameter 10:210 400:280 200 )
    list( AppendField 10:245 400:280 300 )
    list( SaveData 10:275 400:280 300 )
    list( SaveProcess 10:305 400:280 300 )

    list(Name 10:305 400:110 15 )
    list(Expression 100:305 400:110 15 )
    list(DataType 310:305 400:110 15 )
    list(Autoplot 420:305 400:110 15 )
    list(OutputsField 5:370 485:110 15 )

    list(Short 0:440 100:110 5 )
    list(Long 115:440 200:110 5 )
    list(Scalar 330:480 485:110 15 )
    list(Yes 420:480 485:110 15 )

    list(ADDField2 0:520 200:27 5 )
    list(Delete 50:520 200:27 5 )
    list(Change 115:520 200:27 5 )
    list(Clear 190:520 200:27 5 )
    list(Calculator 280:520 200:27 5 )
    list(GetExpression 370:520 200:27 5 )

    list( MinuteM 100:565 130:27 15)
    list( HourM 170:565 130:27 15)
    list( DayM 230:565 130:27 15)
    list( MonthM 340:565 130:27 15)
    list( WeekM 400:565 130:27 15)
    list( CheckM 7:565 130:27 15)

    list( MinuteMenuM 90:590 130:27 15)
    list( HourMenuM 160:590 130:27 15)
    list( DayMenuM 220:590 130:27 15)
    list( MonthMenuM 330:590 130:27 15)
    list( WeekMenuM 390:590 130:27 15)
    list( CronM 10:590 130:27 15)
    list( SimulationResultField1 5:10 485:500 15) ;;;;z lava:z hohra dlzka:sirka neviem

    ?tabPlacement 'top
    ?callback 'SampleTabFieldCB
    ?tabs list( "Analysis Setup" "Simulation results" )

    procedure( SampleTabFieldCB( )
    let( ((MyForm1 hiGetCurrentForm()))
    MyForm1->TabField1->defValue = MyForm1->tabField1->value
    printf("tab field value = %L\n", MyForm1->tabField1->value)

    ;;;----------------------Vytvorenie Okna------------------------------------------------------<<<<<

    ;;; creating the form
    trSampleCorner = hiCreateAppForm(
    ?name 'trSampleCorner
    ?formTitle "Corner Definition Tool"
    ?fields list( list( TabField 10:10 500:770))
    ?buttonLayout 'OKCancelApply
    ?formType 'nonOptions
    ?initialSize t
    ?unmapAfterCB t

    ;;; creating the form
    trSampleMonteCarlo = hiCreateAppForm(
    ?name 'trSampleMonteCarlo
    ?formTitle "Analog Statistical Analysis"
    ?fields list( list( TabField1 10:10 500:660))
    ?buttonLayout 'OKCancelApply
    ?formType 'nonOptions
    ?initialSize t
    ?unmapAfterCB t

    this program create user interface for corner and monte carlo analysis and i need create output(ocean script) but i dont know why please help me.... i neeed extract data from my user interface.

    Thank you.
    Samuel Hudač, Mar 3, 2016
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