Help needed with Multylines

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by RH_Mike, Dec 21, 2004.

  1. RH_Mike

    RH_Mike Guest

    Hi there,

    i need some help with the creation of an multilines library!
    What i want at the end is a toolbarbutton with:
    - makes the layer X current/actief;
    - loads the. mln file at a location on a networkdrive;
    - now the user can pick the right profiel, for example HEA100;
    - the user can draw the mline.
    meanwhile, in the background the justificationpoint is set to center (Z option).
    Ive tryed this for a day now and i'm at a deadend.

    I've created some profiels (HEA.mln) and i know how to create the commands for the background proces, but i can't get the scriptfile in order which comtrols the laoding of the .mln file!

    Can enyone help me or explaine me how to write a script file or direct me to a very good site where i can download text on how to create an script file for autocad!

    Thanks for helping me out!
    RH_Mike, Dec 21, 2004
  2. RH_Mike

    David Kozina Guest

    See my reply in the 2004 newsgroup...
    David Kozina, Dec 21, 2004
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