Getting information of an entity inside of a block

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jamie Myers, Jul 31, 2003.

  1. Jamie Myers

    Jamie Myers Guest

    Here we go again..........

    I'm using the following lisp to find an enitity from a point

    ;;;Written by Jamie Myers
    ;;;Searches for entities in a certain direction
    ;;;RoomTagIns = Insertion point of my roomtag - the base point for this
    ;;;XorY_Angle = Either pi -angle 0
    ;;; (* pi 0.5) -angle 90
    ;;; (* pi 2.0) -angle 180
    ;;; (* pi 1.5) -angle 270
    ;;;DistStep = The incriment for the search for the entity to be returned
    ;;;SS is the entity that is returned

    (defun WallFind (RoomTagIns XorY_Angle DistStep / DIST PNT SSLISTPNTS)
    (setq Dist 0) ;Dist starts as 0
    (setq SS nil) ;SS as nil just in case
    (while (= SS nil) ;If nothing is found, keep going
    (setq Dist (+ Dist DistStep)) ;Keep adding the incriments until
    something is found
    (setq pnt (polar RoomTagIns XorY_Angle Dist)) ;set pnt
    (setq SSListPnts (list RoomTagIns Pnt)) ; create a list for ssget
    (setq SS (ssget "f" SSListPnts)) ;searches for an entity and returns
    ;*****I want to add something here******
    ) ; end while
    ) ;end defun

    ;;;(WallFind RoomTagIns 1.5708 0.25) ;use of this sub-routine
    ;;;RoomTagIns comes from a getpoint call
    ;;;1.5708 is the angle to look
    ;;;0.25 incriments on how often to look

    Where all the aterisks are above, I want to add this line stating that if
    the entity that is found is a block *insert*, then return the entity, inside
    the block, and the information for it. This is as far as I got (if (= (cdr
    (assoc 0 (entget (ssname SS 0)))) "INSERT")

    I want to take the entity, inside the block, and get it's starting and
    ending points.
    Jamie Myers, Jul 31, 2003
  2. Jamie Myers

    Jamie Myers Guest

    Let me rephrase this after I've done some more research. How can I do a
    nentsel without having to pick the entity, but passing it to nentsel?
    Jamie Myers, Jul 31, 2003
  3. Jamie Myers

    Jamie Myers Guest

    See my comments in the "transformation matrix" thread dated 7/31/03 at 8:14
    am est
    Jamie Myers, Jul 31, 2003
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