function to remove duplicate elements from list ?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Jimka, Mar 12, 2006.

  1. Jimka

    Jimka Guest

    I thought of two really elegant ways of removing duplicate elements:

    ;; do it recursively
    (defun uniqify (elements)
    (cond ((memq (car elements) (cdr elements))
    (uniqify (cdr elements)))
    (cons (car elements) (uniqify (cdr elements))))))

    ;; and other elegant way that does not depend on a recursive function
    (defun uniqify (elements)
    (apply 'nconc
    (foreach maplist sub elements
    (unless (member (car sub) (cdr sub))
    (list (car sub))))))
    Jimka, Mar 12, 2006
  2. I notice that the recursive solution has a tiny bug (well, it's not
    really a bug, it's a skill bug in my opinion). It should use member()
    instead of memq(). I will be slower, but it will work with this input:

    inputList = list(

    Otherwise it will not uniqify "abs" !

    It seems that Cadence stores reserved words in an odd way ... memq()
    has a hard time with these strings that are actual skill functions!

    nicolasperrier, Mar 15, 2006
  3. It's not particularly that it's storing reserved words in a special way - but
    you should never use memq with strings. It tries to optimise storage of strings
    (being immutable), but doesn't guarantee that two stings which are the same will
    be stored in the same location.

    memq (and indeed eq) should only ever be used with symbols and lists.

    Andrew Beckett, Mar 16, 2006
  4. procedure(uniqueList(list)
    setof(x list unless(member(x out) out = cons(x out)))
    ) ;let
    ) ;procedure

    Dominic Duvarney, Mar 20, 2006
  5. After thinking about it last night, I realized that for very large lists,
    it would be much faster to avoid member(). I ran a couple of test cases
    and the function below is by far quicker than my previous post.

    let((tmpTable outList)
    tmpTable = makeTable("tmp" nil)
    foreach(x lst
    outList = cons(x outList)
    tmpTable[x] = t

    Dominic Duvarney, Mar 21, 2006
  6. Jimka

    John Gianni Guest

    I am booked timewise or I would have posted this sooner so that
    everyone benefits.
    It might be helpful to all if SKILL experts compared & contrasted the
    various methods.
    The result could be instructive for all.

    John Gianni
    -- Nothing I post here is prior sanctioned by my employer!
    ; File Name:
    ; Function Name: MyUnique()
    ; Title: Example uniquify SKILL routines for illustrative purposes
    ; Author: John Gianni compiled this file from other people's material
    ; Date: March 12, 2006
    ; Revision: 0.6
    ; Portability: PASSES the obligatory Tools->SKILL->Survey
    ; Compatibility: No incompatibly changed, deleted, or private
    ; SW Releases Surveyed: IC440 to IC610 inclusive
    ; Prerequisites; none
    ; Synopsys; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; Documentation: none
    ; Support: none
    ; Warranty: none
    ; Description: Provide simple sample SKILL snippets to uniquify a given
    ; Version History:
    ; - 0.1 3/12/2006 2 samples posted by Jim Newton to comp.cad.cadence
    ; - 0.2 3/13/2006 2 additional samples added by Dave Gluss to John
    ; - 0.3 3/14/2006 2 further examples added by Jim Newton to John Gianni
    ; - 0.4 3/15/2006 Clarifications added by Jim Newton to John Gianni
    ; - 0.5 3/17/2006 Nicholas Perrier added 1 example to comp.cad.cadence
    ; - 0.6 3/21/2006 Dominic Duvarney added 2 examples to comp.cad.cadence
    ; If n is the number of elements in the list, the following recursive
    ; procedure preserves the original list right-to-left order
    ; (1 2 3 1)-->(2 3 1); but it will only sort lists of a length less
    ; than the maximum recursion depth.
    ; Time-wise, it evaluates on the order N2 time.
    ; There may be a bit of additional garbage collection overhead.
    ; Don't use memq for anything other than symbols (see why below).
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (5 3 8 2 1)"
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "record" "range" "abs")
    (defun MyUnique (elements)
    (cond ((memq (car elements) (cdr elements))
    (MyUnique (cdr elements)))
    (cons (car elements) (MyUnique (cdr elements))))))
    ; This adaptation of the recursive routine above uses "member" instead
    ; of using "memq" because memq should not be used with strings as memq
    ; (and eq) optimise storage of strings (being immutable), but they do
    ; not guarantee that two stings which are the same will be stored in
    ; the same location.
    ; However, this routine runs slower than that shown above.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (5 3 8 2 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("record" "range" "abs")
    (defun MyUnique (elements)
    (cond ((member (car elements) (cdr elements))
    (MyUnique (cdr elements)))
    (cons (car elements) (MyUnique (cdr elements))))))
    ; The following sample preserves right-to-left order (1 2 3 1)-->(2 3
    ; and it improves upon the garbage collection aspect; but it still is
    ; order N2 in time.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (5 3 8 2 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("record" "range" "abs")
    (defun MyUnique (elements)
    (apply 'nconc
    (foreach maplist sub elements
    (unless (member (car sub) (cdr sub))
    (list (car sub))))))
    ; This sample destroys the original list.
    ; However, the sort time is improved to N log N time.
    ; Note that the "setcdr" function fails a Tools->SKILL Survey for IC434
    ; but that setcdr exists in all releases from IC440 up to & including
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1) 'lessp)
    ; REPORTS: (1 2 3 5 8)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs") nil)
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "range" "record")
    procedure(MyUnique(L compare)
    L=sort(L compare)
    let(((p L))
    if(car(p) == cadr(p) then
    setcdr(p cddr(p))
    p = cdr(p))))
    ; The following sample destroys the original list and preserves
    ; left-to-right order (1 2 3 1)-->(1 2 3). The strength of this sample
    ; is the sort time becomes on the order of N time. This might be useful

    ; for larger lists; however, some objects in SKILL (such as CDF
    ; are not hash-able.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (2 5 3 8 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "record" "range")
    let(((ht makeTable("uniquing" nil)) (q L) (p cdr(L)))
    ht[car(L)] = t
    if(ht[car(p)] then
    p = cdr(p)
    setcdr(q p)
    ht[car(p)] = t
    q = p
    p = cdr(p)
    ; The sample below is a further variation of the above algorithm which
    ; is order N yet non-destructive - and it preserves the left-to-right
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (2 5 3 8 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "record" "range")
    (defun MyUnique (L)
    (let ((hash (makeTable 'hash nil))
    (conc_list (list nil)))
    (foreach element L
    (unless (arrayref hash element)
    (setarray hash element
    (tconc conc_list element))))
    (car conc_list)))
    ; This sample is also non destructive and is of the order N in time;
    ; but it does not preserve order at all.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (5 3 2 1 8)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("range" "abs" "record")
    (defun MyUnique (L)
    (let ((hash (makeTable 'hash nil)))
    (foreach element L
    ; Added by Dominic Duvarney
    ; Time is of order N2.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (2 5 3 8 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "record" "range")
    setof(x list unless(member(x out) out = cons(x out)))
    ) ;let
    ) ;procedure
    ; Avoiding member improves the speed for larger lists of the above
    ; from order N2 to linear order N at the expense of construction
    ; and garbage collection of data.
    ; MyUnique(list(2 5 3 2 8 2 1))
    ; REPORTS: (2 5 3 8 1)
    ; MyUnique(list( "abs" "record" "range" "abs"))
    ; REPORTS: ("abs" "record" "range")
    let((tmpTable outList)
    tmpTable = makeTable("tmp" nil)
    foreach(x lst
    outList = cons(x outList)
    tmpTable[x] = t
    ; End of:
    John Gianni, Mar 24, 2006
  7. Hi Frederic,

    I created the following test function to compare various options for implementing
    the unique list function. As I get different solutions, I plug them in to see run
    time differences. The reversing of the final list appears to be negligible in this case.
    Perhaps under different circumstances, it would matter more.

    procedure( Uniq(l)
    let( ( ul )
    foreach( e l
    member(e car(ul)) || tconc(ul e)
    ));let proc

    let((tmpTable outList)
    tmpTable = makeTable("tmp" nil)
    foreach(x lst
    outList = cons(x outList)
    tmpTable[x] = t

    ***********function to test uniquify functions*******************

    let((smallList bigList startTime newList newList2)
    for(i 0 1000
    smallList = cons(i smallList)
    for(i 1 500
    bigList = append(smallList bigList)
    printf("bigList length --> %L\n" length(bigList))

    startTime = getCurrentTime()
    newList2= Uniq(bigList)
    printf("Uniq took %L seconds \n" compareTime( getCurrentTime() startTime))

    startTime = getCurrentTime()
    newList= uniqueList2(bigList)
    printf("UniqueList2 took %L seconds \n" compareTime( getCurrentTime() startTime))

    if(newList2== newList then
    println("the lists match")
    println("the lists don't match")
    Dominic Duvarney, Mar 27, 2006
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