Format for inserting OLEFrame in DXF

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Hiker123, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Hiker123

    Hiker123 Guest

    Does anyone know specific details of OLEFrame record in DXF ?

    I need to programmatically modify a DXF files, inserting icons ( or if
    necessary DXF blocks from another DXF file ) into original DXF. I
    need to do this from a VB 6 project. Best solution would be to
    insert as an OLEFrame object - but I can not find the specific
    specification of the format of binary data that should be written as a
    parameter of this record - it is apparently not only the image pixels
    but also some additional data .

    Jeff Bennett
    Bennet-Tec Information Systems, Inc
    Jeff @
    Hiker123, Jan 15, 2008
  2. Hiker123

    Bill Gilliss Guest

    One of the customization newsgroups would be the place to ask. Aim your
    browser at and then pick AutoCAD to get
    a list of its newsgroups, including several that address various
    approached to customization, including VB.

    Bill Gilliss, Jan 16, 2008
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