Finding center of text

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by JG, Sep 30, 2006.

  1. JG

    JG Guest

    Hello, I'm trying to write a lisp routine to rotate all
    selected text around it's center of location (so it doesn't
    move as when the insertion pt is used as with CHT )
    but I don't know how to find the data that shows the
    coordinates of the end pt of the text. It doesn't show
    in a list or object properties readout.
    Can someone give me a clue as to how to find this
    data info.
    JG, Sep 30, 2006
  2. JG

    Philippe Guest

    JG a écrit :

    Use the TEXTBOX lisp function...

    Philippe, Sep 30, 2006
  3. JG

    JG Guest

    Part of the solution might be to use use Express tools "justify text" to
    Ah yes I had already tried that but the cht rotation "always"
    centers it's rotation on the insertion point no matter where the
    text is justified.
    JG, Oct 1, 2006
  4. JG

    JG Guest

    Hello, Use the TEXTBOX lisp function...

    Thanks for the reply, but I don't know of any TEXTBOX
    lisp function. Is it downloadable somewhere?
    We are running AutoCad R-14 with Civil Design Softdesk8.
    We do have Bonus Tools but when I type in TEXTBOX
    I get "unknown command" .
    JG, Oct 1, 2006
  5. JG

    Guest Guest

    In the Help files for R14 (text, bounding box, AutoLISP) there is a
    lisp routine for drawing a box around text:

    (defun C:TBOX ( / textent tb ll ur ul lr)
    (setq textent (car (entsel "\nSelect text: ")))
    (command "ucs" "Object" textent)
    (setq tb (textbox (list (cons -1 textent)))
    ll (car tb)
    ur (cadr tb)
    ul (list (car ll) (cadr ur))
    lr (list (car ur) (cadr ll))
    (command "pline" ll lr ur ul "Close")
    (command "ucs" "p")


    Use that; draw the diagonal and rotate the text around the midpoint of
    the diagonal.

    There might be other ways...

    Guest, Oct 1, 2006
  6. JG

    JG Guest

    Thank you!
    This will do it I'm sure, just some trig from here.
    JG, Oct 1, 2006
  7. JG

    Jiro Guest

    Here is a R14 lisp program and DCL.
    Hope this helps.
    SAVE BELOW as jrRoText.lsp
    ;;; A general text rotater
    ;;; Rotates text about the midpoint
    ;;; of selected text.

    (defun *error* (msg)
    (Alert msg)
    );end defun error

    ; Set and Save System Variables
    ; REMBEMBER to edit the vlist list
    (Defun pushvars ( )
    (setq vlist
    '(("cmdecho" . 0)
    ("osmode" . 0)
    ("OSNAPCOORD" . 1)
    ("PICKFIRST" . 1)
    ("AUNITS" . 0)
    ("ANGBASE" . 0)
    ("ANGDIR" . 0)
    );end setq

    (ForEach pair vlist
    (Setq name (Strcase (CAR pair) T))
    (If (Not (Assoc name sysvars))
    sysvars (Cons (Cons name (GetVar name)) sysvars)
    (If (CDR pair)
    (Setvar name (CDR pair))
    );end foreach
    );end pushvars

    ; Restore System Variables
    (Defun popvars ( )
    (ForEach pair sysvars
    (Setvar (CAR pair) (CDR pair))
    (Setq *error* old_error)
    (Setq sysvars Nil)
    );end popvars

    ;;;Start Subs

    (defun jrotext ( )
    (setq DCL_ID (load_dialog "jrRoText.dcl"))
    (if (not (new_dialog "jrRoText" DCL_ID)) (exit))
    (action_tile "AngEnt" "(setq ang_in (atof $value))")
    (unload_dialog DCL_ID)

    (setq hr (fix ang_in)
    mm (fix (* 100 (- ang_in hr)))
    ss (fix (- (* 10000 ang_in) (+ (* 10000 hr) (* 100 mm))))
    ang_out (+ hr (/ mm 60.0) (/ ss 3600.0))

    (SETQ SS1 (SSGET '((0 . "TEXT")))
    len 0
    );end setq
    (WHILE (> (sslength ss1)len)
    (setq enam (SSNAME SS1 len))
    (command "ROTATE" enam "" middle ang_out)
    (setq len (1+ len))
    );end while

    );end jrotext
    ; Middle point of text entity

    (Defun get_middle ()
    (Command ".ucs" "e" enam)
    middle (Trans
    (TextBox (EntGet enam))
    (Command ".ucs" "p")
    (Setq middle (Trans middle 0 1))
    );end get_middle

    ; Midpoint between p1 and p2
    (Defun xer_midpoint (p1 p2)
    '(Lambda (x1 x2) (* 0.5 (+ x1 x2)))
    );end xer_midpoint

    ;;;End Subs
    ;;;Start of main program
    (defun c:grt (/ SumVars Stuff)
    (setq old_error *error*)
    ;;; The rest of the program goes here

    );end c:grt
    (prompt "\Enter grt to run")
    SAVE BELOW as jrRoText.dcl
    // jrRoText DCL
    // Use for comments
    // use ; for end of field

    jrRoText : dialog { // begin dialog definition
    label = "Rotate Text";

    :edit_box {
    label = "Enter Rotatation Angle DD.MMSS";
    key = "AngEnt";
    edit_width = 10;
    value = "0";


    Jiro, Oct 1, 2006
  8. JG

    JG Guest

    Thank you! I will try this as soon as I get home.
    Also I wonder if you could help me with my outdated
    version of VLisp. I'm running the R-14 Version of Cad
    and Vlisp which I just installed. However when I try to
    Debug a file all of my
    Step Into
    Step Over
    Step Out
    are grayed out ?
    I have the breakpoint set at the first function
    I have the lsp file loaded and open
    I've also tried creating a project but the step functions
    seem hopeless grayed off. Do you know what I am
    doing wrong ??
    JG, Oct 1, 2006
  9. JG

    JG Guest

    Well I figured it out. You have to set the breakpoint
    "before" you load the file. Seems like "load" should
    have been "run" to me, but whatever.
    JG, Oct 1, 2006
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