Few questions about power analysis in encounter

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Koustav, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. Koustav

    Koustav Guest

    Hello everybody,

    I am trying to do gate sizing on the synthesized
    netlist from build gates. I am using a 90nm TSMC library for this. I
    needed to do a transient power estimation for the original synthesized
    netlist and my gate-sized netlist. I have some quick questions about
    the flow and encounter in general.

    1. Currently for transient power analysis I am
    dumping sdf file in encounter, backannotating the sdf in verilog and
    simulate and then do power analysis in encounter using the vcd file
    generated. Is there any other flow I could use? I am worried the
    router may place the original synthesized netlist and my sized netlist
    in the different ways (thus causing different interconnect power) and
    thus nullify my optimization by sizing.

    2. I am using some SoCE scripts from deepchip for
    this flow. I found that with default core utilization of 0.5 in
    floorplanning the router is failing. I tried to increase the area of
    the core by changing it to 0.025, but still >1000 DRC violations exist
    in verifygeometry. I am wondering if this is this the correct way of
    increasing area of my chip? Can I avoid floorplanning altogether and
    let encounter decide the area of the chip by itself ? All I want, is
    just a valid layout which passes verifygeometry and verifyconnectivity
    and I can do RCextract for storing the spef and the sdf for subsequent
    power analysis.

    3. Finally, a question on the 90nm libraries. I
    found that 90nm libraries uses just 4 metal layers, whereas 180nm uses
    6 metal layers. But isnt it the case that subsequent technology
    generations provide more metal layers...why this discrepancy? I found
    180nm library provides very few or no options for sizes of cells, and
    so I had to use the 90nm which supports various sizes for each library

    I would really appreciate any comments or
    suggestions on these. Eagerly awaiting a response.

    Koustav, Jun 16, 2007
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