Face/plane mating (3 mates) vs Edge mating (2 mates), better?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Joe Sloppy, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Joe Sloppy

    Joe Sloppy Guest

    I have been using SW for 7 years now and today I learned something
    that I should have thought of trying many, many years ago. I had
    learned and always done a common 3 mate approach when constraining
    parts in an assembly, mate a top face/plane to a top face/plane, a
    right face/plane to a right face/plane, mate a front face/plane to a
    front face/plane.

    But this morning I tried something else, I mated a horizontal edge to
    a horizontal edge and vertical edge to a vertical edge fully
    constraining a part, 2 mates instead of my typical 3.

    Who else is using this technique? Advantages, disadvantages? My only
    worry is that there may be some unforeseen errors in my future, naaaa,
    when does that ever happen?
    Joe Sloppy, Feb 8, 2007
  2. Will your method work (all mates satisfied) if you substitute another
    part for the original one? I don't think so, but I may be wrong. Try
    mating the primary planes in your part with planes in your assembly.
    The primary planes are always present in a part, therefore, a
    substitution should give you mates that are always satisfied.
    Bruce Bretschneider, Feb 8, 2007
  3. Joe Sloppy

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Who else is using this technique? Advantages, disadvantages? My only
    I do that occasionally, but avoid using model edges if it's reasonable to
    do so. My model templates have the 3 main axes added. I'm more likely to
    use those when doing this sort of mate scheme.
    Dale Dunn, Feb 8, 2007
  4. Joe Sloppy

    fcsuper Guest

    yeah, model edges are too easily changed. I would only use this
    method in rare instances.
    fcsuper, Feb 8, 2007
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