Exporting text from AutoCAD to Excel

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Lynne, Jul 7, 2004.

  1. Lynne

    Lynne Guest

    I can only find a way of taking text from AutoCAD to Excel by picking on each piece of text, which is quite tedious.
    Is their a way of getting visual basic to find the text by its co-ordinates?
    Lynne, Jul 7, 2004
  2. Lynne

    Matt W Guest

    You can do something like this...

    Public Sub TextToExcel()
    Dim objText As AcadText

    For Each objText In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    ' Insert code to export to Excel here...
    Next objText
    End Sub

    If you need more help, let me know...

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | I can only find a way of taking text from AutoCAD to Excel by picking on
    each piece of text, which is quite tedious.
    | Is their a way of getting visual basic to find the text by its
    Matt W, Jul 7, 2004
  3. Matt,
    Your code would crash if there were any non-text items in modelspace. It
    needs to be something more like:

    dim objEnt as AcadEntity
    If TypeOf objEnt is AcadText Then
    Set objText = objEnt
    You could use the SelectOnScreen method, with a filter on so that only text
    items are selected, to get all the text in an area. Or, to use Matt's code,
    you would check the .InsertionPoint of each Text item to see if it's the
    one(s) you want.

    James Belshan, Jul 7, 2004
  4. Lynne

    Matt W Guest

    Yeah, you're right.
    I just threw something together really quick, which is why it worked on a
    BLANK drawing with only 3 pieces of text. :)

    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Matt,
    | Your code would crash if there were any non-text items in modelspace. It
    | needs to be something more like:
    | dim objEnt as AcadEntity
    | > Dim objText As AcadText
    | >
    | > For Each objEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    | If TypeOf objEnt is AcadText Then
    | Set objText = objEnt
    | > ' Insert code to export to Excel here...
    | EndIf
    | > Next objEnt
    | Lynne,
    | You could use the SelectOnScreen method, with a filter on so that only
    | items are selected, to get all the text in an area. Or, to use Matt's
    | you would check the .InsertionPoint of each Text item to see if it's the
    | one(s) you want.
    | HTH,
    | James
    Matt W, Jul 7, 2004
  5. Lynne

    Matt W Guest


    You can use this to import text from AutoCAD to Excel as well as the
    You'll just have to add a reference to Excel in the VBA IDE.

    Option Explicit
    Public intRow As Integer
    Public strCell As String
    ' Application - Excel
    Public oExcel As Excel.Application
    Public oBook As Excel.Workbook
    Public oSheet As Excel.Worksheet
    Private Sub CreateExcel()
    Dim i As Integer
    Set oExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
    Set oBook = oExcel.Workbooks.Add
    Set oSheet = oBook.Worksheets(1)
    oExcel.Visible = True
    End Sub
    Public Sub TextToExcel()
    Dim obj As AcadEntity
    Dim objText As AcadText
    Dim varInsert As Variant
    ' Create an Excel object
    oExcel.Cells(1, 1).Value = "TEXT"
    oExcel.Cells(1, 2).Value = "X: COORDINATE"
    oExcel.Cells(1, 3).Value = "Y: COORDINATE"
    oExcel.Cells(1, 4).Value = "Z: COORDINATE"
    intRow = 2
    For Each obj In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    If TypeOf obj Is AcadText Then
    Set objText = obj
    oExcel.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = objText.TextString
    varInsert = objText.InsertionPoint
    oExcel.Cells(intRow, 2).Value = varInsert(0)
    oExcel.Cells(intRow, 3).Value = varInsert(1)
    oExcel.Cells(intRow, 4).Value = varInsert(2)
    intRow = intRow + 1
    End If
    Next obj
    End Sub
    Matt W

    The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | Yeah, you're right.
    | I just threw something together really quick, which is why it worked on a
    | BLANK drawing with only 3 pieces of text. :)
    | --
    | Matt W
    | The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits.
    | | | Matt,
    | | Your code would crash if there were any non-text items in modelspace.
    | | needs to be something more like:
    | |
    | | dim objEnt as AcadEntity
    | | > Dim objText As AcadText
    | | >
    | | > For Each objEnt In ThisDrawing.ModelSpace
    | | If TypeOf objEnt is AcadText Then
    | | Set objText = objEnt
    | | > ' Insert code to export to Excel here...
    | | EndIf
    | | > Next objEnt
    | |
    | | Lynne,
    | | You could use the SelectOnScreen method, with a filter on so that only
    | text
    | | items are selected, to get all the text in an area. Or, to use Matt's
    | code,
    | | you would check the .InsertionPoint of each Text item to see if it's the
    | | one(s) you want.
    | |
    | |
    | | HTH,
    | | James
    | |
    | |
    Matt W, Jul 7, 2004
  6. Lynne

    Lynne Guest

    Thanks James and Matt for your assistance.
    Could you help me to get the Autocad drawing name from autocad?
    Lynne, Jul 21, 2004
  7. Lynne

    MP Guest

    system variable "Dwgname", also of interest "Dwgprefix"
    MP, Jul 21, 2004
  8. Lynne

    Jürg Menzi Guest

    Hi Lynne


    Jürg Menzi, Jul 21, 2004
  9. Lynne


    Dec 27, 2015
    Likes Received:
    Hello Mr. Matt W
    how can i used this code?
    hengyouleang, Dec 27, 2015
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