Events and Plotting -repost from VBA (from HTTP)

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Anne Brown, Apr 16, 2004.

  1. Anne Brown

    Anne Brown Guest

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    Anne Brown
    Discussion Groups Administrator
    Autodesk, Inc.

    Events and Plotting -repost from VBA

    Posted by: JimSimon
    Date: Apr/10/04 - 16:50 (GMT) NEW!

    Sorry to duplicate this posting, but havn't received a response
    for several
    days. Any ideas?

    Original Post

    I need to interrupt Acad's plotting/publishing of multiple
    layouts to insert
    an object in PS prior to plotting.

    My code, Using Events, ie. beginPlot and/or LayoutSwitched, all
    works well
    on single layout instances or when the user selects the layout
    plotting one layout at a time.. If multiple layouts are selected,
    the code
    is ignored.

    This idea also needs to be applied to plotting/publishing with
    the sheet set
    manager. I can't find a way to "catch" the autocad plot/publish
    process as
    each draswing or layout is being accessed.

    The code must be transparent to the user, hence the events

    Any ideas where to go to find a direction?

    Thanks ahead of time.

    Anne Brown, Apr 16, 2004
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