Error while running cadence!

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Samiran, May 26, 2010.

  1. Samiran

    Samiran Guest

    Dear all,

    I had very little idea about the setup and configuration of cadence in
    Linux. I was successfully running cadence using "./ace51" command.

    But, today I got an error which says:

    ../ace51: line 694: /setup/GetENV: No such file or directory
    Hercules path : /bin/

    **ACE51 Install Error** No ace50 generic release in
    --> /software/designPackages/designPackages/cmos9/current/tools/ace/

    ** Please contact Support Hotline (408) 721-5122 for ACE51 Install
    Error **

    - ACE Environment Group

    Do anybody have any idea why it is throwing error. Certainly there are
    some alteration in the configuration, because previously it was
    running fine; but I am unable to catch the loophole. Please help me

    Samiran, May 26, 2010
  2. Samiran

    rick Guest

    HI Samiran - looks like some paths changed, try opening a new window
    then bring up ace.
    Also do a which ace50

    rick, May 26, 2010
  3. rick wrote, on 05/26/10 17:07:
    Note that this is really nothing to do with Cadence as such. ACE is some wrapper
    around Cadence provided by a particular foundry (whoever is providing this cmos9

    Perhaps you should contact their Support Hotline (since they give you a phone
    number to call in the error mesage?)


    Andrew Beckett, May 27, 2010
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