*Error* ddGetObjReadPath: argument #1 should be a ddUserType

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by rover8898, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. rover8898

    rover8898 Guest

    Hello all,

    I am attempting to install a new technology in cadence IC610. (Our
    resident cadence admin is absent for a couple days, so i decided to
    give it a shot). The readme of the technology pdk instructed me to add
    the following line in my .cdsinit file:

    load( strcat( ddGetObjReadPath( ddGetObj("..." ) ) "...." ) )

    After doing that, and running icfb from a terminal window, I got the
    following message outputted on my CIW window during initialization:

    *Error* ddGetObjReadPath: argument #1 should be a ddUserType (type
    template = "b") - nil

    Does this imply that something is not properly installed (e.g.: a
    missing library) ?
    I googled this error, but alas I was not able to find anything I could

    Any help will appreciated
    Thank you

    rover8898, Dec 25, 2008
  2. rover8898 wrote, on 12/25/08 16:52:

    It sounds as if you didn't give a valid library name as the argument to
    ddGetObj(). For example, if you do:


    it should return a ddId. If it returns nil, it means that library is not in your
    cds.lib/lib.defs . If it returns nil, that's what will give the ddGetObjReadPath

    So I'm assuming in your example above there was not actually "..." but some
    library name? And the same for the filename part "...." ?

    Andrew Beckett, Dec 31, 2008
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