Engineering Links

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by Darren D, Aug 4, 2003.

  1. Darren D

    Darren D Guest


    I am using engineering links to display a cell lib I have run through HTML
    author. It works fine when I get it loaded, but I have 2 small questions.

    1. I kick off the webpage using the following keyin string

    "browser connect;browse address c:\cells\html\elect.htm"

    This seems to work fine on some machines, but on others it just displays a
    blank IE and stops....I've tried running through the browser settings to see
    any differences.
    The only thing I can pick up is a slight difference in IE version number

    Working machine: IE version 6.0.2800.1106IC
    Other machine: IE version 6.0.2800.1106

    Not really sure what the IC denotes....

    Are there any known issues with this version??...Am I doing something wrong

    2. I am using the following config variable to allow the IE window to
    function as a child of the ustn window...MS_BROWSERMAKECHILDWINDOW = 1.

    I am also running this in 2 application window mode....Is there a way for me
    to swap the screen of the browser window ??? or re-parent it ?? always
    seems to come up on window 1

    many thanks

    Darren D
    Perth, Western Australia
    Darren D, Aug 4, 2003
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