I am a DXF newbie, tryign to create DXF fiels from a Fortran program. I have used the Basic programming examples in the DXF_r13.HLP file to create a series of write statements to create line entities, ala ; 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 LINE 08 WING 10 0.283000E+02 20 0.000000E+00 30 -.140000E+01 11 0.285975E+02 21 0.000000E+00 31 -.106204E+01 0 this works great. I can use AECVIZ reader to view these files in 3D. However, sometimes I need to view these files in a graphics conversion program, and for obvious reasons I can only see 2D. Problem is I want to change the orientation or view before I load it into a 2D paint program. ie rotate the entire drawing by 90 degrees. I found a section in the help file that indicates there is a variable called $ANGBASE in the HEADER section with a group code of 50, that appears to let me do this. However, I cannot seem to make this work. AECVIZ crashes when I use a HEADER 0 SECTION 2 HEADER 50 1.57 0 ENTITIES 0 LINE 08 WING 10 0.283000E+02 20 0.000000E+00 30 -.140000E+01 11 0.285975E+02 21 0.000000E+00 31 -.106204E+01 0 do I need to add a group code of 50 and angle value (in radians?) to each LINE entity, or just in a header? would appreciate any help in identifying my problems. tia dan