DRC Error Marker Limitation

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by chickenwing2010, Aug 25, 2006.

  1. Hi friends,

    I have a problem on DRC error marker. After running DRC, let's say, it
    was found that there are 2000 shapes violating rule A.

    In the Error Layer Window, it shows:

    Marker: 1 of 1000 <-- limited to 1000 (should be 1500)

    [2000] Rule A | [1500] cell 1 <-- this one is selected
    [500] cell 2

    The problem is that the maximum number of markers shown is limited to
    1000. If I have error markers more than 1000, the remaining markers
    cannot be shown. How could I increase the maximum number of markers
    shown?? Any AVparameter or function can do this??

    Any guidance and comment is highly appreciated.

    Best regards,
    chickenwing2010, Aug 25, 2006
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