does microstation use autolisp programing like autocad

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by labicff, Feb 15, 2006.

  1. labicff

    labicff Guest

    or is that not available. Any equivalent?

    labicff, Feb 15, 2006
  2. labicff

    MOHAMMED Guest

    Yes.. you can use macros key in or ucm commands instead of auto

    Mohammed Moizuddin
    MOHAMMED, Feb 16, 2006
  3. labicff

    labicff Guest

    Autocad has macros too, but autolisp is a programing language. Is
    there an equivalent to autolisp.
    labicff, Feb 16, 2006
  4. Can you send the autolisp file to convert it to microstation ucm
    (user command ) or macro..... ??????
    MOHAMMED MOIZUDDIN, Feb 17, 2006
  5. labicff

    Golgi Guest

    Visual Basic for Applications
    MicroStation V8 implements Microsoft's Visual Basic for Applications
    (VBA), including, but not limited to:

    - Calling between MDL, VBA, and native code

    - VBA as a prototyping tool

    - Exposing existing MDL code to COM, etc.

    Choosing Utilities > Macro > Project Manager opens the VBA Project
    Manager dialog box, which serves as MicroStation V8's integrated
    development environment (IDE) for VBA.

    Choosing Utilities > Macro > Macros opens the Macros dialog box, which
    is used to create, run, debug, and delete VBA macros. This macros can
    be saved from the process on working.

    Choosing Utilities > Macro > Visual Basic Editor starts Microsoft's
    Visual Basic application.

    For MicroStation V8-specific information about developing VBA macros,
    see the help document MicroStation VBA Documentation in MicroStation
    V8's Documentation program group.
    Golgi, Feb 17, 2006
  6. Microstation has COM model. You can access it with any programming
    language that can use COM model (C#, Python and etc.). I believe lisp
    should be able to do it as well.
    dalius.dobravolskas, Feb 17, 2006
  7. labicff


    Apr 30, 2016
    Likes Received:
    dear Mohammed bhai,
    could you convert a lisp file to use in MS if I send now.
    Thivan, Apr 30, 2016
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