Dictionary error

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Danny P., Mar 4, 2004.

  1. Danny P.

    Danny P. Guest

    I would like to add a dictionary to a dictionary but I'm getting an error
    which, from other posts here, should only appear in Acad2000. However, I'm
    getting it in Acad2004. Can someone confirm this error for me, or suggest a
    better solution.

    Thanks in advance,
    Danny Polkinhorn

    This code:

    Dim objDict As AcadDictionary
    Dim objNestedDict As AcadDictionary

    Set objDict = ThisDrawing.Dictionaries.Add("Dict_Root")
    Set objNestedDict = objDict.AddObject("Sub_Dict", "AcDbDictionary")

    Gives this error:

    Run-time error -2145320940
    AcRxClassName entry is not in the system registry
    Danny P., Mar 4, 2004
  2. Open RegEdit and look at this key:


    Under it, there should be a subkey named "AcDbDictionary".

    It should have the following item:


    AcadX for AutoCAD 2004 Beta 1
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 4, 2004
  3. Danny P.

    Danny P. Guest


    Thanks for your help. I do have that registry entry exactly as shown.

    Danny P., Mar 4, 2004
  4. Tony Tanzillo, Mar 4, 2004
  5. Oops. The first key I showed only applies to R15.

    For 2004, you have to look here (note the "R16.0" subkey):


    And, the value under the AcDbDictionary item should be:


    And, under


    The default value should be "AxDb16.dll"

    AcadX for AutoCAD 2004 Beta 1
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 4, 2004
  6. Danny P.

    Danny P. Guest


    Thanks. The entire ActiveXCLSID section was missing. I added it in and it

    Thanks again for your help...
    Danny P., Mar 4, 2004
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