dialog box width

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Robb, Aug 7, 2003.

  1. Robb

    Robb Guest

    Hey all,
    I hope someone can help me fix what seems to be an easy problem I'm
    having with a dialog box. When someone wants to plot a drawing, a
    dialog box pops up with a few radio buttons and an edit box. I added a
    note below the radio buttons but that increases the width of the box
    with blank space to the right. I've tried a few things but nothing
    seems to make a difference. I am running ACAD2000. Here is the code
    and thank you in advance for the help.

    plotbill : dialog {
    label = "Plotbill";
    fixed_width = true;
    width = 10;
    : radio_column
    label = "Plot size";
    key = "plotsize";
    alignment = centered;
    fixed_width = true;
    : radio_button
    label = "A size";
    key = "b size";
    : radio_button
    label = "B size";
    key = "B size";
    : radio_button
    label = "C size";
    key = "C size";
    : radio_button
    label = "D size";
    key = "D size";
    : radio_button
    label = "Sketch (no charge)";
    key = "sketch";
    } //radio_column

    //This is new code

    : boxed_column {
    label = "Note:";
    alignment = centered;
    //: column {
    : text_part
    label = " If you do not want to charge for";
    width = 10;
    : text_part
    label = " this plot, pick Sketch or click";
    width = 10;
    : text_part
    label = " the Cancel button.";
    width = 10;
    : spacer { width = 0; }
    // }//column


    //End of new code

    : row {
    alignment = centered;
    // spacer_1;
    : edit_box {
    label = "Job No.";
    value = "jobnum";
    key = "jobno";
    edit_width = 10;
    edit_limit = 8;
    Robb, Aug 7, 2003
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