Delete layer

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by John Callaway, Sep 23, 2009.

  1. In R14 I have tried repeatedly to erase a layer. I have removed all
    objects on the layer. It flags me with a note about xreferences. How
    do I proceed to delete a layer?

    John Callaway, Sep 23, 2009
  2. Hi John!

    Zoom out of the drawing so that you see possible objects outside of the
    drawing limits. Then use the delete command. Sometimes one will notice
    objects in light grey color, which lie on a reference layer. Use a
    crossing selection.

    You could then use the purge command.


    Best regards

    Reinhard Lemp, Sep 24, 2009
  3. Reinhard,

    Yes, I have zoomed extents and grabbed the drawing with a
    crossing but still it won't delete the layer. Oh well.
    Let me ask another question. I create drawings requiring me to
    constantly change the size attributes for leaders and dimensions. Is
    there an easy way to do this in R14? I know I can save a setting but
    still run into trouble when I call it up.

    John Callaway, Sep 25, 2009
  4. John Callaway

    strawberry Guest

    Try WBLOCKing the visible contents of the drawing to a new file. See
    if the errant layer shows up in that.
    strawberry, Sep 26, 2009
  5. John Callaway

    Bill DeShawn Guest

    Save drawing as test.dwg
    Thaw all layers and turn them on.
    Erase "ALL"
    Insert each one of the blocks in the drawing as they show up in the
    dialog box, one by one one right next to the other. Use REFEDIT to
    save open each of the blocks to discover which block contains the
    object(s) that are on the suspect layer. If there are nested blocks,
    do the same. Then erase that block. Purge the block. Purge the
    layer. If the layer won't purge, there may be more than one block
    with the same symptom.. The fast way: buy SuperPurge.
    Have a good day.

    Bill DeShawn
    Bill DeShawn, Sep 30, 2009
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