Creo Auto Dimensioning

Discussion in 'Creo' started by friedkiwis, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. friedkiwis


    Sep 23, 2012
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    Coming from 4 years of Inventor/SolidWorks/AutoCAD use I do not appreciate the intent manager that has been apparently baked into the current version of Creo.
    Is there any possible way to get around this? I would rather constrain the sketches myself.

    I am currently trying to simply constrain this circle (top tangent) to the top axis of this square, rather than the x-axis, but sketcher does not allow me to delete the dimension or define a new one.

    I cannot post pics at the moment so,
    Last edited: Sep 23, 2012
    friedkiwis, Sep 23, 2012
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