CosmosWorks 2004 Pin connectors

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Bas Derkink, Sep 18, 2003.

  1. Bas Derkink

    Bas Derkink Guest

    Hi all,

    I running Solidworks 2004 with CosmosWorks 2004 for a couple of days now.
    One of the things I have been waiting for was the new connector option under
    force/restraints in this new release.

    The rigid connector works very fine, but I'm having problems with the Pin
    connector. This option makes it possible to simulate pins in hinge situation
    without drawing them.
    I early releases of CosmosWorks we simulated pins, by drawing a pin and
    using the node-to-node contact pairs between the pin and other parts.
    The pin connector option works fine, but the stress results around the pins
    is not right. It looks like the pin connectors only aply a bonded
    contactpair between the pin and the hole, so the pin pulls at the whole
    circumference of the hole.

    Has anyone been working with the pin connectors and found a way to compete
    with this situation?
    Bas Derkink, Sep 18, 2003
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