Convert PDMS to MicroStation?

Discussion in 'Microstation' started by chuck, Dec 11, 2007.

  1. chuck

    chuck Guest


    I'm an IT project manager tasked with obtaining various types of CAD
    packages for engineers in my company. Two of those packages are
    AVEVA's PDMS and Bentley's MicroStation. I obtained quotes for each
    and my internal customers (non engineers) got sticker shock at the
    PDMS quote compared to the Microstation quote. Now they'd like me to
    determine whether Microstation can import PDMS packages or if there
    exists 3rd parth software that will convert PDMS packages to
    MicroStation format. I have searched the web and this newsgroup to no

    Does it or are there?

    Thank you in advance for your help!
    chuck, Dec 11, 2007
  2. chuck

    eherbst Guest

    As much as I like the idea of usenet newsgroups, this one seems to
    have just about died in favor of Bentley's MicroStation newsgroups.
    You will be more likely to get answers to your questions there. Go to
    Bentley's website, front page of the newsgroups:
    .. You can look at them on the web or through a newsreader and post
    your question if you can't find an answer after searching the
    discussion group. Another good resource is

    eherbst, Dec 12, 2007
  3. chuck

    chuck Guest

    Hi Eric,

    Thanks for the tips!

    chuck, Dec 12, 2007
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