cdf lost every time I log out from cadence

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by jren, Aug 25, 2011.

  1. jren

    jren Guest


    In my SKILL code (, I include pcell (pcDefinePCell()) and CDF
    (cdfCreateParam(()).(This is similar to
    After I load this in CIW, everything looks fine and I can see
    the CDF settings. However, every time I restarted cadence, CDF
    component parameters are lost.
    Can anyone help with me on this issue? Thanks!

    jren, Aug 25, 2011
  2. jren

    PM Guest

    Similar is maybe not good enough ...
    You have to modify the base CDF parameter (supposed you are allowed to).
    Do you have (among others) at top:

    let( ( libId cellId cdfId )
    unless( cellId = ddGetObj( LIBRARY CELL )
    error( "Could not get cell %s." CELL )
    when( cdfId = cdfGetBaseCellCDF( cellId )
    cdfDeleteCDF( cdfId )
    cdfId = cdfCreateBaseCellCDF( cellId )

    PM, Aug 25, 2011
  3. jren

    jren Guest

    Yes. I have these. Basic my is as following:

    list(ddGetObj("lib" "cell" "layout")
    ) ;end of pcDefinePCell

    ;;CDF Development
    let( (libId cellId cdfId (cellLib "libname") (cellName
    "cellname") ;;cellLib, cellName, changed as in PcCellViewDefine
    unless(cellId = ddGetObj(cellLib cellName)
    error( "Could not get cell %s." cellName ))
    when(cdfId = cdfGetBaseCellCDF(cellId)
    cdfId = cdfCreateBaseCellCDF(cellId)

    ?name "widthR2"
    ?prompt "widthR2"
    ?defValue 2.0
    ?type "float"
    ?storeDefault "yes")
    );end of let
    jren, Aug 25, 2011
  4. jren

    PM Guest

    cdfSaveCDF( cdfId )
    PM, Aug 25, 2011
  5. jren

    jren Guest

    It works.
    Thank you for your help!

    jren, Aug 25, 2011
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