cdb vs OA

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by tritue, Mar 15, 2006.

  1. tritue

    tritue Guest

    Hi all,

    What will be the main different of CDB vs OA. What will be the future of
    CDB. Will Cadence drop the CDB line in a near furture.
    I saw a new release of OA but not for CDB. Should we prepare to convert to
    tritue, Mar 15, 2006
  2. Hi,

    With DFII version 6.0 or 6.0.1 or 6.1, or whatever the
    next version after 5.1.41 and 5.2.51(OA) will be, Cadence will only
    support OA 2.2 as database.
    As far as I know 5.1.41 is the last release which runs on CDBA
    Nevertheless DFII 6.x first customer shipment will be sometime around
    September 2006 and I would not use it before the first USR is out.
    Because they changed not only the database model also 6.x is rewritten
    with a different GUI library.

    Although 5.2.52 is also based on OA 2.2 I think it's not intend to
    use for production, just to do first database conversions test etc..
    As from my experience I can also not recommend to use 5.1.41 OA 2.0 this is
    a deed end street, because OA 2.0 support will also end with 6.x.

    I don't know how long 5.1.41 on CDBA will be support by Cadence, but
    I think it will be at least until end of 2007.
    For new features you should surely look at 6.x.

    This is what I've heard and must not be the 100% truth.
    Maybe a Cadence internal can give you a more precise answer
    on you question.

    The main difference is of OA is not explained in a few sentences
    I guess it's a complete new database.
    But the good thing is that it is not Cadence proprietary, it's
    owned by a kind of consortium and other EDA vendors can also apply it.
    For more info have a look at and .

    Bernd Fischer, Mar 15, 2006
  3. But a lot of the contributed material is coming from Cadence (as they seems
    to be a major driver) and it will be interesting to see if the license for
    the OA things make it possible to link the C++ API stuff with any GNU tools
    on distribution level.

    I would start qualifying my designflow for OA as fast as I could. There is
    no way around, and you have to be finished with your qualification so that
    you can go productive as soon as possible after your CAD team has finished
    the porting.

    I am looking forward to integrate qucs as a lightweight schematic capture
    and simulation front end and still have those dinosaur back-end tools do
    their things.

    It is fun, though, that Cadence standardize on Red Hat, who standardize on
    GNOME and then they choose QT to have the right to do proprietary license
    development. Sun also "wants" to standardize on GNOME, but that crappy CDE
    is still around. Engineers were never known as drivers of technology, were

    Kind regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Mar 15, 2006
  4. tritue

    tritue Guest

    Thank you for your prompted answer.

    Our major problem is the design Kit coming from the foundry, they are not
    very fast to support new tools or software upgrade.
    Then I should expect a rough ride for the next 12-24 month.

    tritue, Mar 15, 2006
  5. tritue

    fogh Guest

    Hum hum ...
    There are various protections on the PDKs (legal and technical), and I
    reckon that will be enough to prevent you from doing that.

    For example a recent PDK EULA states that you can not use the PDK with
    any other tool than cadence. Probably in reaction to paragon IC. In any
    case, that legal restriction is new.

    The OA semi-open/shared source status is not of much help if your
    trying to see the callbacks is already illegal. Not to mention trying to
    port/interpret them with scheme, python, C++ or whatever. Since the
    callbacks are necessary for database consistency/integrity in most PDKs,
    you won t be able technically

    I am afraid that if you want to design using qucs libraries, you ll
    have to build them from scratch. Probably on your own, and with the
    foundry ignoring you (if not working against).

    And then when you have a library ready, done with your design in a
    rush to catch up for the library dev time, prepare to send a fat cheque
    to VCAD so they port your design to the cadence PDK before the backend
    design can start.

    OK. This time, it is true: I am not funny and not cute. Bad hair day.
    fogh, Mar 17, 2006
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